Author Topic: 10 month old sleep is a mess  (Read 844 times)

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Offline JaxMomNeedsSleep

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10 month old sleep is a mess
« on: April 26, 2013, 15:45:57 pm »
after some serious teething, an illness, and a week of travelling, my sons EASY is a mess.  I tried to keep our routine the same throughout it all, but my son has been having EW, multiple NW, 30 minute naps, 40 minute naps, and some nap refusals.  Here is our current EASY

WU  5:00 - 5:45am (try to put him back to sleep but usually without success)
E  6:00am formula, only been drinking about 3 oz lately,
    7:30am  solids
A   3.5 hours
S  9:15am usually for 40 minutes

E  10:30am  solids
A  3.5 hours
E  1:00pm  bottle, 4 oz
S  1:30  usually 40 minutes, sometimes 30, sometimes refuses this nap completely

E  3:00 solids
A  3.5 hours
BT  usually at 6:00 to 7:00

NW  11:00pm for usually 30-45 minutes  - try to settle without feeding, but I usually give in and he will drink a whole 6oz bottle
NW   3:00am  sometimes awake for an hour - try to settle without feeding, but he won't sleep until he eats, another 6 oz bottle

Our bedtime routine and nap routines are unchanged since i started BW methods.    The NW don't seem habitual, as the times vary each night.  DS was sleeping through the night, with occasional EW for about 2 months in February and March.  This month has been such a mess.

Do I need to increase A times?  DS is so cranky all day long, as it seems as though he needs more sleep, but he just won't stay asleep anymore.  He is able to settle himself sometimes, but definitely not in the early morning hours.

Any help would be appreciated!

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Re: 10 month old sleep is a mess
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2013, 20:26:00 pm »
10 to 12 mth old Sleep Gone Wonky, and the 2 - 1 Nap Switch
Have a look at this link as he seems to entering the 2-1 nap territory. So yes he probably does need an A time increase.

I would also try to shift his calories from the night to the day but reducing the ounces in his night bottles. He probably is genuinely hungry just because he is used to eating at night. Does he not get a BT bottle or did you just miss that off the EASY?

Have you considered wake to sleep?
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011