Levi is now 21 months old and for ages now he kicks, hits, headbangs the wall before falling asleep, he does it really hard, the whole house shakes and sometimes he hurts himself, he doesnt do it to fall asleep, he does it because he doesnt want to go to sleep. Wondering if just ignoring it is the answer or do I keep going in there and saying "Go to sleep" and walking out. Im about ready to lose it with him as this has been going on for months now.
his day looks like this roughly
6.30am wakeup
1-2 (or 2.30 if i dont wake him) nap
he resists both sleeps, yet if i was to rub his head he would fall asleep wihtin seconds so I know hes tired
what to do? everyone is getting annoyed and I need to keep his bedtime at 7pm, also I considered he may be droppng the nap early but he still needs a sleep, ive even tried just a 45min nap, yet some days there are no issues going to bed. the boys share a room so I have to take Caleb out now and put him in my bed till Levi is asleep and then somehow get Caleb back to his own bed later, being 7 months pregnant this is no easy task and I need a solution