My almost 13 months old DD attends daycare 5 days a week (has since 4 months old). She's never been a good napper at daycare, usually 40 minutes per nap and once in a while she will give me a 1 hr 20 min nap. So far she's managed by taking 2 daily naps (or more when younger). However the time has come that her daycare is pushing her to one nap. Today she did a 1 hr 20 min nap after 6+ hour A time and they didn't even try a PM nap. When I picked her up, she looked completely shattered and didn't even want to play. We rushed through dinner and then I put her to bed almost 1 hour earlier than normal. My DH and DS didn't even get to spend any time with her as they were at baseball practice
I guess I'm just looking for BTDT experiences. If you had a short napper, how did you he/she survived on one nap? Did they eventually learn to nap longer? My DD does play a bit of catch up on weekends, where she'll usually give me two 1 hour 20 min naps, sometimes 2 hours if really tired. Oh and I don't think she is LSN as she will gladly take both naps if offered.