Author Topic: Help with EASY at almost 4mo, plus issues with taking full BM feedings by bottle  (Read 2992 times)

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Yes, it does sound like the 4m GS - it's a big one!  A lot of people find that it lasts around a week; sometimes more, sometimes less.

At 4m, a lot of BF babies will still need to feed during the night as that's actually when milk producing hormone levels are the highest.  So, for BF babies, night time isn't just for sleeping, but for feeding too :)
*** Amanda ***

Offline eva026

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Ok, so it's very obvious that my little girl IS going through a growth spurt - as opposed to all those other times I ask myself that question (she would be 6 feet long by now if it always were  :) ). She downed a 5 oz bottle yesterday between "scheduled" feedings, and during one of her several wake-ups last night she nursed completely on both sides, which she NEVER does. So is it ok for us to be feeding her whenever she seems hungry right now and pretty much ignoring the 3-3.5 hours between feedings routine? It doesn't seem to be leading to snacking at the moment...

Since we switched to the medium flow nipple she seems to be taking feedings very well, but she pretty much has to be in a darkened room (and pretty dark, not just dim) and swaddled, in her room, otherwise she just gets too distracted and ends up playing with the nipple after taking only 2-3 oz. No matter how hungry she is. We can't even feed her first thing in the morning (bottle or breast) when she must be pretty hungry under any conditions because she is just too interested in other stuff at that time. Is this just a phase that will pass? We're really hoping that she'll be able to take a bottle in other conditions (like with the lights on), places (like when we're out and about), and be willing to eat when she's hungry. I know this is common for this age, and she's not my first so you'd think I'd remember, but do they eventually settle down and eat when it's time to eat? If so, when does that tend to happen?

Offline eva026

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Sorry to say it didn't pass for us. But it's not as bad as it sounds because at 6mo they start solids and over the next few months drop the number of BFs. I think by 7mo we were down to 4BFs during the day and 1 (sometimes 2) at night. That meant DD only had to be in a dark room in the morning, after both naps and before BT, which is when she was in her room anyway.
Sorry about the XX in my previous post, that was a comment from DD. Think she was trying the say, hang in there;)

Offline Fiver

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If it's a GS, just feed when she's hungry.
Have you tried a nursing necklace or anything so that her distracted focus is nearby and she can fiddle while she feeds?
*** Amanda ***

Offline aniatb

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Haven't tried a nursing necklace - been meaning to get one. Where do they sell them or should I just go buy a string of beads somewhere?

Offline aniatb

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Thank you Eva! I see you are located in Warsaw, Poland. I'm Polish as well, first generation born in the U.S. My mom grew up in Poland, in the city of Wałbrzych. I still have a bunch of family over there although I've only visited once in my life.

Offline Fiver

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These guys are in Michigan and I think my friend got hers from them (they are quite lovely!)
At the bottom of the page there is a link to 'retailers' and there are some stores that stock their goods in various locations in the States.

Other retailers are available - just do a search for 'nursing necklaces'.

Certainly this company uses different types of thread which is less likely to break, which could be an issue with just a normal set of beads.
*** Amanda ***