Hi Ladies,
My DS is almost 13 months and just started daycare this week. Since starting his wake-ups are getting earlier and earlier and I'm wondering if they are OT? Our plan with daycare was to have him do a short AM nap (30-45mins) at around 9/9:30am or so, and then a long PM nap with the rest of the kids around 12:30pm.
The bad news is that he's refused the AM nap every single day. The good news is that he's taking a 2hr PM nap. That said, if he wakes at 5:30am and doesn't nap until 12:30pm, that's a looooong A time and probably a recipe for disaster. He is the youngest at daycare, so none of the other kids take AM naps which is why we think he's refusing his. I am trying for EBTs, but it's really tough because I don't pick him up until 5pm, then we have to drive home, have dinner, do bath etc. so the earliest I've been able to put him to sleep is 6:45pm (and he goes down easily). He's STTN for the most part, though I usually hear him cry out once and he settles back to sleep.
I mean, it's not really a huge problem as of yet - he takes a 2hr nap and STTN, but he looks exhausted so I'm thinking it's going to catch up with him at some point. Hopefully I can try to play a bit of catch up on the weekend. I don't know if there is anything else I (or my CM) can do?