Hi I started EASY at 4.5 weeks. DS was able to fall to sleep independently and get good day naps and night sleep under 10wks (clockwork naps you could set your watch by). In fact by 10 wks he was so independent he insisted on being put in his night bed for naps rather than in the travel cot in the family room where I'd planned for him to nap until he was 6 months old. it's hard to answer 'did it last' though because they have so many things which disturb sleep and routine that it is like an ongoing thing, almost always changing. With A times getting longer, or when they become more alert and interested in their surroundings, start to play and communicate, start teething or have an illness etc. However I can say that once they are an independent sleeper and once you know your routine it does feel pretty settled. Blips in sleep when they need more help you can feel reassured they return to independence just as soon as they can. I think our first big blip was around 4 or 4.5 months when naps went off track but we had silent reflux getting in the way and I think he also needed an A time increase that I had somehow missed (that's when I found the forums looking for support) as we were getting 5 naps of 40 mins per day which wasn't pleasant. By 5.5 months his naps extended again.
I would say keep your expectations low and make a note of your 'successes', they keep you going when you do hit a blip. I have always loved the predictability of the EASY routine even when we were off track I pretty much knew what was coming.