Author Topic: How Long Did it Take Your LO to Get on EASY Routine?  (Read 967 times)

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How Long Did it Take Your LO to Get on EASY Routine?
« on: May 17, 2013, 21:03:48 pm »

I've got a 4 week old son - and we've been trying EASY for 2 weeks.  We seem to be starting to see a pattern.  My question is - once you saw a pattern emerge - did it last? 
We had a great day and night yesterday and today seems to be going well also.  But I'm afraid to get my hopes up!

Is it two steps forward one step back? 

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Re: How Long Did it Take Your LO to Get on EASY Routine?
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2013, 22:15:19 pm »
Hi I started EASY at 4.5 weeks.  DS was able to fall to sleep independently and get good day naps and night sleep under 10wks (clockwork naps you could set your watch by).  In fact by 10 wks he was so independent he insisted on being put in his night bed for naps rather than in the travel cot in the family room where I'd planned for him to nap until he was 6 months old.  it's hard to answer 'did it last' though because they have so many things which disturb sleep and routine that it is like an ongoing thing, almost always changing.  With A times getting longer, or when they become more alert and interested in their surroundings, start to play and communicate, start teething or have an illness etc. However I can say that once they are an independent sleeper and once you know your routine it does feel pretty settled.  Blips in sleep when they need more help you can feel reassured they return to independence just as soon as they can.  I think our first big blip was around 4 or 4.5 months when naps went off track but we had silent reflux getting in the way and I think he also needed an A time increase that I had somehow missed (that's when I found the forums looking for support) as we were getting 5 naps of 40 mins per day which wasn't pleasant.  By 5.5 months his naps extended again.
I would say keep your expectations low and make a note of your 'successes', they keep you going when you do hit a blip.  I have always loved the predictability of the EASY routine even when we were off track I pretty much knew what was coming.

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Re: How Long Did it Take Your LO to Get on EASY Routine?
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2013, 14:52:46 pm »
Thank you for replying!  It can get disheartening when something works one day and the exact same thing doesn't work the next!

But, it's good to know the small milestones eventually will lead to a bigger whole =)

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Re: How Long Did it Take Your LO to Get on EASY Routine?
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2013, 18:44:02 pm »
Try not to be disheartened. Your baby is teeny tiny and although I agree with gradually getting into a routine and teaching him the skills to sleep independently you can't give too many cuddles at this age so don't panic if every nap isn't in the cot, all those cuddles increase the bond of trust and give him more and more confidence. If you can separate feeding from sleeping for at least some naps and put him down for for one of his nap (even after he's gone to sleep) then you are making progress.
I found keeping a written record of EAS really helpful - especially as I never understood any of his cries so the routine was vital to me to know what to do next of I'd have been lost, with the routine I usually felt and looked like I knew exactly what his needs were, but it was just I knew what the time was and what to do next! ha!
Be gentle with yourself too, it's hard work in the early days  :-*

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Re: How Long Did it Take Your LO to Get on EASY Routine?
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2013, 22:51:56 pm »
I have another question!  Do the naps and bed time need to be the same time every night? 

I was trying to get them within a 30 minute time frame - but he fights sleep some days. And, do you wake them up from their nap so it falls within the 3 hour time frame?  Or just let them sleep?
 Should I just focus more on the Eat Activity Sleep Sequence but follow his cues on sleep??

This is so confusing. :-\ :-

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Re: How Long Did it Take Your LO to Get on EASY Routine?
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2013, 07:01:50 am »
At this stage I would focus on the EAS routine and follow sleep cues yes.  At 4 weeks my LO couldn't go 3hrs between feeds so it was more like 2 or 2.5hrs and then gradually stretching out to 2hr 45 etc up to 3hrs which is quite normal for age.  I wouldn't wake from a nap just to keep the 3hr routine going especially as it can take some time to get them to sleep.  Let him wake when he is ready unless naps end up being 5hrs long because you want that long stretch of sleep to be at night.  If he sleeps past the 3hr E time just feed on waking and count the next 3hr (or 2.5 depending if he needs it sooner) from then.

Naps and BT do not need to be the same time every day. At this point you are likely to have more success with sleep if you follow suitable A times (based on guidance times and your LOs individual needs and sleep cues), that's why EASY is a routine rather than a set time schedule (at around 1yo many people find set nap time and bed time works better for that age).  However I think you'll find BT becomes roughly the same each day and begins to form a pattern, around 7pm, even if naps have been at different times.

It may seem confusing right now, but LO is so little, the routine will gradually settle in.
Don't hesitate to ask as many questions as you need x

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Re: How Long Did it Take Your LO to Get on EASY Routine?
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2013, 15:48:37 pm »
Thank you so much!!  You've been really helpful!  It's hard to not get discouraged sometimes - but this forum has been tremendous!

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Re: How Long Did it Take Your LO to Get on EASY Routine?
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2013, 13:36:36 pm »
If you are not already addicted to the forum you will be before long :)
There is so much support here, it's impossible to leave once you find it xx