My dd is 11 weeks old and has been gassy from day one. It has never seemed to bother her to me. But now she is on 5-5.5 oz every 3 hrs. When I feed her she squirms so much its hard to keep her bottle in. I have tried a different flow, didn't really help just ran all Down her chin, I have moved her to a 3.5-4 hr feeding thinking maybe she's not hungry bc sometimes I'd have to wake her and sometimes shed just smile at me not really interested in eating, still didn't really help. She is on zantac bc she has choking spells and Dr prescribed zantac. She's never spit up and usually doesn't have trouble burping. But when I feed her she just won't stay still. I was thinking about trying a formula for gas but I really want to stay as close to the reg formula as possible. My ds is 5 and was on soy when he was a baby and now drinks almond milk bc he was complaining of his belly hurting all the time and green poop all the time so ped suggested switch trying almond and it has worked. I was thinking about enfamil gentleease she is currently on enfamil newborn, parent choice equivalent though. I was debating between enfamil gentleease or gerber brand, either one in the parents choice brand. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm not a big fan of similac as it stinks and stains and does not mix well.