This is what happened the past 3 days:
May 31st (He had Peadiatrician and had to take shots. We gave him Tylenol twice - at 10am, and 6pm)
E 7:05 WU and feed
S 9:57 (1:22)
E 11:21
S 1:36 (2:28 - woke up twice in a 10 min interval, but the shh/pat solved the problem)
E 4:12
E 7:15
S 7:37 (NW: 9:30, 10:30 DF, 12:30 and awake until 1:30, 2:30, 3:30 and awake until 4:30)
June 1st (this was not such a good day. He fought the last catnap, and had some trouble falling asleep. I put him to bed around 6:45)
E 6:25 WU and feed
S 9:57 (1:32)
E 10:26
S 1:36 (47 min)
E 14:07
E 6:16
S 7:37 (NW: 9:30, 10:20 DF, 12:30, 2:30, 5 and awake until 6)
June 2nd
E 7:45 WU and feed
S 10:11 (1:23)
E 11:45
S 2:48 (46 min)
E 15:44
E 18:47
S 7:17 (NW: 9:00, 10:30 DF, 12:20, 1:30, 2:30 and was awake until almost 4)
By the way, at NWs he goes to sleep much quicker with my husband. Last night, at 1:30, he was laying on his back and fussing/crying, then when he saw my husband, he turned to his side, and fell asleep.
I am sure the side lying position is a prop. He knows how to do it, but when he fully wakes up and is on his back he gets upset.
He is not teething. The ped said his gums are not swollen, but he is rubbing things on his gum.
He is sitting up unassisted pretty well. He doesn't know how to roll from back to tummy yet. I try to put him laying down on the floor to practice but he just wants to sit.
We are starting to introduce solids: 2x a day, but he is not eating very much yet. He eats pears and bananas pretty well. We tried avocados, carrots and sweet potatoes. They were not a hit. Since we are trying new things every 3 days, the days he is trying these things he doesn't like as much, he doesn't eat well.
After I am done trying new things, I am going to start giving him pears, or bananas for one meal, and one of these other things for his other meal.
One thing that I notice is that at night he keep making sounds, as if he was blowing spit bubbles. He does that during the day too. He's also been throwing his legs in the air in his crib. But other than that, he is not trying anything at night.
Another question: I was using a prop on his back to help me shh/pat so he wouldn't turn on his back. Should I remove it after he falls asleep?
Thank you!!!