Hugs honey- sorry things are still so rough!
hmmm...15 mos is about when my LO started sleeping through, he's spirited and fought sleep!
Things that helped us:
pain meds at bedtime when teething,-we really medicated everynight with Advil and at wakeups. Nick was a terrible teether.
lavender scented oil/cream, and a massage before bed
consistent winddown with lots of snuggles and books
bath in the evening
keeping the room a bit cooler
white noise of a fan, even in the winter- just had it face the wall.
Are the bottles at 11PM a prop? He is old enough to go through the night without needing one, and I am wondering if he is waking for the bottle, or because he wants to get into bed with mama?
Hugs, I have btdt, and it does get better, it feels endless when you are in the midst of it!!