I've been posting on the PUPD board, but my problem has changed to one of night waking so I hope this is the right place to resolve this.
My DS is 11.5mo, he is generally sleeping through until he wakes but he is waking really early - my diary from the last few days is below.
I am pretty sure some of the time this is due to OT, but his naps are really variable at the moment - he either goes down a dream in his cot or just cries and cries until we take him out and then falls asleep instantly in the pushchair. Yesterday, he looked really tired for his pm nap but wasn't giving any signals of 'feeling' tired, but he went down without a fuss and we had to wake him after 90 mins, but in the morning he had had a hissy fit when I put him down and I ended up taking him out in the pram... Do I need to revise his A time?
His naps are now averaging 90 - 115 minutes a day so I am reluctant to cut them down any more unless this is fairly typical of the 2-1 transition - I'm not clear on this. He still has his morning BF, which I try to give to him any time after 5, sometimes earlier, but he doesn't fall back to sleep with it, so no APOP for me in the mornings!
If he does sleep in to a 'normal' time then he usually has been up in the night for 60-90 minutes. Last night was one of these, with him 'bouncing' whilst crying in his cot - if he had been standing, it would have looked like a bounce, but he was also doing it sitting and lying down - definitely not an angry hip thrust. He got up this morning and has been doing it again, so I wonder if it is a new skill....
Any advice would be hugely appreciated. DH is away on business and these early mornings are killing me!
Thanks, Anstey
Friday 24 May
Woke 4:20, would not resettle
BF 5:40
Slept until 6:50
Breakfast 07:10
Nap - 10:00 for 40 in buggy
Lunch -12:00
Nap - 14:20, 1hr40
Dinner - 17:00
BF 18:30
BT 18:45
Woke 05:00, BF would not resettle
Breakfast 07:00
Nap 09:00, 60 mins
Lunch 12:30
Nap in pram at 15:00
Dinner 17:15
BF 18:30
BT 18:45, would not settle. Apop, asleep by 19:30
Woke at 3:30 for 90mins
Slept until 07:00
BF at 07:00
Breakfast - 07:30
09:30 - nap in buggy as would not settle in cot. 45 mins
12:20 - lunch
14:00 - nap, 90 mins
Dinner 17:00
BF 18:30
BT 18:45
BF 04:30
BF 05:00 would not resettle
Stayed in room in dark with him until 06:00
Breakfast 06:20
Nap 08:00, 50 mins
Lunch 10:30
Nap due at 12:30, would not settle
Slept in pram at 13:15, 30 mins
Dinner - 16:00
BF - 17:20
BT - 17:40
Woke at 01:20 - took 95 minutes to settle, of which he probably cried for 80. I stayed with him throughout except to get water and cough medicine. Eventually got into his cot, but still took another 30mins from that point.
Woke at 04:00 - BF, started crying hard when I put him down. Assuming the worst I went and made up the bed in a dark room, he was asleep by the time I had finished!
Woke at 6.20 - BF
Breakfast 07:00