Our family doc referred us to a pediatric allergist/immunologist because DD has had ongoing issues with what i'm pretty confident is somesort of intolerance to milk and soy - excessive spitting up and eczema when exclusively breastfeeding resolved when i cut milk out, when tried to introduce milk after age one first two times deveolped cold like symptoms, third time seemed to tolerate it then after 2 months developed diarrhea for weeks until we cut out all cheese and yogurt too. After a hiatus from those products we were able to reintroduce yogurt and cheese, but the moment we gave her milk diarrhea and the worst diaper rash. Then a month later she started vomitting over night, at first we thought gastro, but she was fine duringthe day. Cut out dairy products, but still had episodes of vomitting at night sometimes. Then i took a closer look at products and saw they unexpectedly had milk in them, so we started reading labels and she wss good for several months. Trying to find a cheese alternative, gave her soy cheese and the vomitting returned, also noted vomitting after a soy based sauce was eaten. Now we avoid both soy and milk.
Ped analysis is that it is not FPIES because her vomitting is more then 4 hours after eating and it's not violent enough - not so dehydrated that we have to go to the hospital. Ped ruled out histamine mediated allergic reaction. So her thought is that DD is having vomitting due to post nasal drip. She has recommended we reintroduce milk lactose free to rule out lactose intolerance. If she has a response, she then wants to send us to a pediatric gastro-enterologist for endoscopy to rule out a form of reflux caused by specific foods.
Now i'm just wondering is there a difference between MSPI and FPIES, or is MSPI just naming the specific food protein intolerance? I would agree that DD symptoms don't fit the typical FPIES, so wondering if she could still have some sort of intolernce or sensitivity because I'm starting to feel a little crazy....my family doc felt DD had bronchitis and excessive coughing was causing the vomitting - i fought really hard on this because she only coughed during the night (you'd think during daytime too with bronchitis) and only on the nights that she vomitted -pretty sure the coughing was to prevent aspiration of the vomit. I eventually caved in to accepting antibiotics so that i could get a referral to a specialist. And now the specialist is suggesting post nasal drip!
We are going to try lactose free milk after we go on vacation. But in the mean time i wanted to figure out if there is a difference between MSPI and FPIES, and to vent my frustrations a little!! It'll be awhile til we can try the lactose free milk, just in case she does have a response i don't want her to have diarrhea while we are away.