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Offline Skadiver13

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TV and tablets?
« on: June 08, 2013, 14:18:31 pm »
I'm pretty Anti-TV, for liam anyway  ;). And he's not very interested in it thank goodness, but it would be nice if i could put a cute age appropriate DVD like chicka chicka boom or something like that to give me 10min to say take out the garbage, wash dishes etc. He can play on his own very nicely but the issue is keeping him occupied as he gets bored pretty easy. He's got lots of toys both interactive and old school but tv just doesn't interest him.  I'm very hesitant to give him my Kindle because we are just not that kind of household. I grew up with no gaming systems or anything and while I don't want that for Liam ether I don't want him to be the odd duck in school etc. It seems like everyone one from birth these days knows how to use a tablet device. And while he's fascinated with mine I am really hesitant to use it for "babysitting" if that makes sense?

Some say there are great things for lo's to do on them but at what age is too soon? I think he's too young. Thoughts?

What are some things/activities I can do for him to keep him occupied? He likes pots/pans etc. I've given him ziplock bags filled with different textures, sand, pasta etc.  Is he old enough to use markers or crayons? (he's 12.5months)
My dreamed for Angel Baby DD (other than dreaded 40min naps) Born 4/30/16
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Re: TV and tablets?
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2013, 14:33:16 pm »
I think our kids are growing up in a different age to us and by the time he starts school he may well be expected to be able to have basic computer skills as well as the usual stuff like counting to 10! I know here in Denmark the kids don't start until most are 6 years and they have a maths lesson every week on the computer, I've even heard of schools where every child has an Ipad  :o However I think 1 is pretty young, there is a big world to explore before learning the fun of screens! My dd got a child hand held device when she was 3ish, she loved it but she never used it in the house, it was for long journeys etc. She started playing educational games on the laptop at 5. As a toddler she would watch some TV whilst playing if I needed to do something or just needed a break! We had dvds with shorts shows like Maisy Mouse, Postman Pat and Fifi the Flowertot, even today she will never just watch TV, she is always doing at least 3 things at any one time but it did help. Crayons are ok but only if you are ok with having everything you own drawn on  :P

Offline Skadiver13

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Re: TV and tablets?
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2013, 14:47:44 pm »
Well I guess I'm looking for age appropriate things for him to do. I have no interest in letting him use my kindle right now so that's ok if he uses it later like 4 ish.
My dreamed for Angel Baby DD (other than dreaded 40min naps) Born 4/30/16
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Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: TV and tablets?
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2013, 14:49:51 pm »
I've even heard of schools where every child has an Ipad 

There is a school in a town a few minutes from us that is on a mission to do just that! Very small school though - like 50-75 kids at most.

I agree that one is a little young for handheld electronics but we did have a lot of short DVD's at that age (mostly Baby Einstein as they really kept their attention when I needed to do something - Masyn, who is almost 7 still watches those sometimes!!!) We have 2 Leappads, but they are mainly for going places to use in the van as a distraction or while waiting for an appointment.  The only time they use them at home is to use the camera/video camera and film me when I don't know about it!

Offline skatty

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Re: TV and tablets?
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2013, 14:54:15 pm »
I forgot about Baby Einstein, my dd was crazy for the animal ones especially neighbourhood animals and to be precise the dog who eats the biscuit that was balanced on his nose, ahh I can still hear her giggles  ;D When my dd was that age she loved looking through peoples' bags so I would fill some up with bits and pieces and leave them around and she used to be in her element, the stuff wouldn't have been so interesting if I had handed them to her!

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Re: TV and tablets?
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2013, 15:07:03 pm »
We use the baby Einstein videos a lot her and we LOVE them.  DD1 is now almost 4 and just got interested in the computer and she only uses 1 sight and that's  She does watch tv (more then I would like) but only b/c now with the new 1 I NEED to know where she is and even then like Kat's dd she is never just sitting lol.

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Re: TV and tablets?
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2013, 16:06:54 pm »
Well I guess I'm looking for age appropriate things for him to do.

hmmm...when I needed 10 mins when Nick was that age I gave him a bowl of dry rice/lentils, etc, and scoops and bowls to play with. just put down a towel under him and cleaned up spills.
Also, put him in his highchair at the table, and gave him a cookie sheet with shaving cream on it and showed him how to 'finger paint'...
Outside I gave him a little broom and had him sweep or rake.
a bucket with a little water and a paint brush- had him paint the deck.
any kind of busy work did it for me... for about 10 mins, then he was DONE.
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

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Re: TV and tablets?
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2013, 16:25:23 pm »
There is research suggesting that too much screen time vs hands-on activities can affect brain development less than positively. Kids aren't getting real actual sensory input, aren't seeing what happens in terms of action-reaction, especially aren't getting lots of tactile and motion input, which is how especially younger kids are hard-wired to learn.

I'm with Cathie: beans/lentils/rice/water in different-sized cups or bins; sandbox; water tub; crayons/markers/paints; noisy toys and musical instruments; board books to manipulate. The sky is the limit!

I did let Josie sit on my lap when she was 2-3YO, and Nat in her turn, and "type" on the computer,and I printed out some of their great works of "literature" ;D for them to hang on the walls, and Josie especially with her love of words was always asking me to spell words till she got the hang of it, and I showed her shortcuts as the opportunity arose; neither girl went to school computer-deprived at all. I'd say that 95% of their screen time, and much of their TV time (what there was of it), was interactive, with one or both parents there, same as we would have been playing with Legos or a marble run or whatever. Even now my kids don't have their own Kindle or tablet or cell phones (many of J's classmates do), and they don't play with my smartphone because, well, I don't have one. :P J will end up with her own computer when she starts middle school next year, as she's enrolled in a special program that's very media-heavy and will need it for homework (our current computer probably won't be able to handle the load! LOL), and she'll probably get a pre-paid cell phone then too - but she's 11-1/2 now.

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Re: TV and tablets?
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2013, 19:02:26 pm »
Did you look on the activity board?  There are lots of ideas for play of all sorts and a sticky on encouraging independent play
Cycle of Activity-Help Build Independent Playtime

I do allow TV and DVDs and sometimes short kids film clips on you tube on the lap top.  The TV stuff though is so different from when I was a kid which was mainly cartoons and mind numbing stuff, these days on cbeebies channel it is almost all educational and inspiring. If he sees even part of 'MR Maker' he wants to go make something or stick something, when 'I can Cook' comes on he is inspired to cook, He loves to count and has been able to read numbers for a long time thanks to 'number jacks' and 'numtums' shows (plus of course we count everything we do all day), reading the alphabet for a long time too, thanks to 'alphablocks' (and of course we read a lot together).  So although I totally agree that screens are better limited and monitored I also think the right programmes are fun, educational and inspiring (I'm not talking constant TV all day and ignore him).  Many of the programmes are only 5 or 10 mins long too so through the day we can dip in and out, DS uses it as a chill out time after play group or a lot of physical activity and when his energy returns he moves on to toys - or runs to me saying he needs to make a dragonfly out of a plastic bottle :)

Offline Skadiver13

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Re: TV and tablets?
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2013, 23:04:26 pm »
Thank so much. Yeah, liam has no interest in TV at all. Maybe it's an age thing but he just has no desire to sit in front and watch. I've put some cartoon ones on, some educational ones etc. and he just watches for about 1 minute and that's it and he's off. :) He's pretty good at independent play I just know he's getting bored so I'd like some strutctured activity if that makes sense. The shaving cream sounds like fun except him putting it in his mouth?

There is research suggesting that too much screen time vs hands-on activities can affect brain development less than positively. Kids aren't getting real actual sensory input, aren't seeing what happens in terms of action-reaction, especially aren't getting lots of tactile and motion input, which is how especially younger kids are hard-wired to learn.
^ This...:)

My nephew didn't get a cell till he was 11 and even then it was his fathers old phone and they had it programmed that he could only call his parents and grandparents and me/DH. He was allowed to text only friend that also had the same cell carrier. It was not a smart phone. But then he did get a kindle for xmas from his mother. MY brother (they are divorced) was less than thrilled.
My dreamed for Angel Baby DD (other than dreaded 40min naps) Born 4/30/16
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Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: TV and tablets?
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2013, 23:38:47 pm »
Yes, Masyn doesnt know it yet, but when i decide she is ready for a phone she wil be getting one of our old ones!  Not sure when to do that though as we have no home phone just cells.

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Re: TV and tablets?
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2013, 01:39:21 am »
Baby.Einstein.  That is all.  LOL!

Kidding aside, the TV is turned off about 90% of the time, but if I need a few mins to put a load of laundry in, or even cooking dinner, I put Baby Einstein on and he's as happy as a clam.  He dances to the music, squeals when he sees the puppets, and really enjoys the movie in general.  I don't believe plopping your kid in front of a TV all day is appropriate (or good for development), but a Baby Einstein movie (which is age appropriate) here and there isn't hurting anyone :)

Offline Skadiver13

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Re: TV and tablets?
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2013, 11:42:38 am »
Lindsay I agree totally, the crux of the issue which kind of got lost in the thread was that he doesn't sit in front of the TV he has no interest in it so I was just trying to find other things for him to do besides TV / Kindle. I wish sometimes he did so I could get 10 min. :)
My dreamed for Angel Baby DD (other than dreaded 40min naps) Born 4/30/16
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Re: TV and tablets?
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2013, 13:45:09 pm »
Siobhan did you look on the activity board?  I think really your post suits the other board better, what to do for A time, there are stacks of ideas there for all different ages and stages x

[and what's going on with the weird quote mix up?  That quote above says from me but it was deb's quote. Odd glitch perhaps]

Offline Skadiver13

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Re: TV and tablets?
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2013, 14:24:42 pm »
Hey I haven't, plan on it. :)
My dreamed for Angel Baby DD (other than dreaded 40min naps) Born 4/30/16
Reflux, MSPI, Love my Spirited,textbook little munchkin DS Born 5/17/2012
