I have a 7 month old, she has never been a good sleeper. She used to only wake 2/3 per night but then at 3/4 months started waking every hour. As I thought it was a growth spurt I fed her every time (my mistake, I know that now!) since then I have been trying to cut down her NW, but what I'm doing is just not working. She is now waking every 2 ish hours. I have tried to only feed her every 4 hours and put her to sleep with any NW in between. I'm also now trying not to pick her up unless its her feed time (she is shh/pat to sleep) but now she will need me to constantly pat her until her next feed, so I could be patting her for 2 hours at a go.
Her routine is roughly this:
7am WU E
8am breakfast
9.30 S anything between 1-1.5 hours
11am E
12 lunch
2pm S about 1.5hours but have to pat her at 45 mins
4pm E
6.15 start BT bath, massage, bottle, sleep by 7pm
I have just moved her to 2 naps this week as she was getting harder to settle for BT and her naps were getting shorter. She is bf and given 1 formula bottle at BT. At the moment I am only given her breakfast and lunch. Do you think adding dinner will help her sleep at night? I'm worried about adding dinner at the mo as she had bad constipation so just want to make sure that that is settled before adding more solids. Would it help by putting the catnap back into her day and moving her BT to 8-830?
Any advice on what I can do to help reduce the night waking? This has been going on for months so I know it's partly out of habit. I'm very tired and LO wakes up with bags under her eyes
Please help!