Thanks for watching us. She is on and off with the tacking but i would agree if i don't do it early enough it doesn't work as she would normally still wake at 10.5 / 11hr mark but if its early enough in the morning i can usually feed her and get her back to sleep, for a bit.
She is actually still asleep now which no almost an hour, if she wakes at 14:30 would you stick to BT of 6 even though she is really tired today. I get kind of lost at this time cos as you said if EBT is not early enough she will wake at 4:45/5 and thats too late for her to go back to sleep, but if i push her later she might get more OT and wake anyway.
This really is so difficult, especially when she has OT built up.
I can't wait to finish with the nursery i'm hoping in the 19 days i am off i can get things back on track, i think the set naps will be good if i can just keep her awake long enough for the 1st nap. I think she must be sooo OT if she is falling asleep with toast in her mouth. She is not the kind of baby who will sleep anywhere she usually needs to be in her cot.