Author Topic: night feeds, set times or not at 6.5 months  (Read 1116 times)

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night feeds, set times or not at 6.5 months
« on: June 17, 2013, 15:13:14 pm »
My DS is 6.5 months old and is waking multiple times during the night. I used to feed (BF) at every waking, which at 5 months was down to 1 or 2 feeds a night, normally between 2 and 4 and then again at about 5 if fed at 2 otherwise not again until wake up. Then at 5.5 months he started waking up 4 times a night, I'd feed him and he'd go straight back to sleep, needless to say this was turning me into a zombie. So 3 weeks ago we decided that my DH would settle him (shush-pat, PU/PD makes him worse) if he'd fed in the last 3 hours. Took 40 mins each time first couple of nights then went down to only 5, but he's still waking.

Because he doesn't always wake the first time at the same time each night i.e 10 one night 11 another, so if he wakes at 10.00 I'll feed him and then not again until at least 1. The next night he might wake at 11 so I'd feed him then, but then if he wakes at 1 he expects to be fed as he was the previous night so takes 30 mins plus to settle. Not sure what to do as it seems as if were sending him mixed messages?

A typical day goes like this

E 6.20 both sides
A 6.40
E 7.30 breakfast and a top up after (one side)
S 9.15
E 11.30 both sides
A 12.00
E 13.00 lunch and top up (one side)
S 14.00
E 15.15 both sides
A 15.30
E 16.45 dinner and top up (one side)
E 18.00 both sides
A 18.15
E 18.30 4oz formula
S 18.45
E 10.00 one side
Settled at 12.45 but woke again so fed at 1.30 then again at 5

He was born large 10lb 3, 91st percentile and is now only 17lb just under 50th hence me feeding him alot.

He goes to bed awake for naps and bed time, but most of the time falls asleep on the breast for the MOTN feedings.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated, not sure if we should just stick to what were doing idea was to wait until he was only waking up for feeds every 3 hours then push to 3.5 then 4 etc, but were not at 3 yet?

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Re: night feeds, set times or not at 6.5 months
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2013, 15:16:35 pm »
Hugs for the nw's. 

The fact that he's waking now more often than before makes me think that it's either discomfort or developmental milestone.   This age is prime time for both of those types of things disrupting sleep.  So what solids has he had?  how old was he when he started solid food?  Any signs of constipation or tummy aches? 

Does he have any teeth?  Any signs of teething?  Although the teeth cutting can be more painful for one babies, for others, the movement of the teeth through the jaw hurts more.  Only problem with this is that you can't tell that this is the problem because the gums may not be swollen. 

Is he rolling?  Are finding him on his tummy at night? 

When he wakes, is he crying? 

I agree with not feeding him at every nw and trying to re settle if he's had a recent feed.  Previously since you did feed him, he will be upset at first but he will learn that waking every hour or two doesn't mean snacking!  At this age some babies are taking one or two feeds so you can pick which ones to feed at ( starting with feeding every 3.5 hrs is reasonable).  If you are consistent then he will learn. 

Wrt his routine, I'm assuming that you are feeding him right after he wakes so his morning nap is from 9:15 to 11:30?  If yes, his first A is on the higher side but his second A is actually short.  Let me know if I'm interpreting your routine properly.