Starting a few weeks ago, my 4 MO gets very distracted during BF. There are apparently so many exciting things to look at and listen to. I have tried many things, like feeding in a quiet, dark room, putting a blanket over us, etc but she always finds something better to do than eat! (Looking at a beige couch cushion, a wall, the curtain, pulling off the blanket with her hands.) She comes off the breast and it is really difficult if not impossible to get her back on. I have tried waiting 10 minutes but it doesn't seem to work.
She makes up for these small feeds at night, of course! But she sometimes even gets distracted at night too, chatting, looking around etc. It is very cute but I wouldn't mind getting a bit more sleep...
Anything I can do to help the situation, or just wait it out? She is eating approximately every 3.5 hours but since she is a late riser (approx. 9am) that only gives her about 4 feeds before bed at 7:30pm. She doesn't seem to get hungry earlier, except for sometimes the late afternoon feed.
She is gaining really well (16.9 pounds!) and the diaper changes are abundant so I am not worried about her health.