Author Topic: any tips to help with a distracted 4 MO?  (Read 1524 times)

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any tips to help with a distracted 4 MO?
« on: June 17, 2013, 18:57:45 pm »
Starting a few weeks ago, my 4 MO gets very distracted during BF.  There are apparently so many exciting things to look at and listen to.  I have tried many things, like feeding in a quiet, dark room, putting a blanket over us, etc but she always finds something better to do than eat!  (Looking at a beige couch cushion, a wall, the curtain, pulling off the blanket with her hands.)  She comes off the breast and it is really difficult if not impossible to get her back on.  I have tried waiting 10 minutes but it doesn't seem to work.

She makes up for these small feeds at night, of course!  But she sometimes even gets distracted at night too, chatting, looking around etc.  It is very cute but I wouldn't mind getting a bit more sleep...

Anything I can do to help the situation, or just wait it out?  She is eating approximately every 3.5 hours but since she is a late riser (approx. 9am) that only gives her about 4 feeds before bed at 7:30pm.  She doesn't seem to get hungry earlier, except for sometimes the late afternoon feed. 

She is gaining really well (16.9 pounds!) and the diaper changes are abundant so I am not worried about her health.

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Re: any tips to help with a distracted 4 MO?
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 19:18:22 pm »
Have you tried a feeding necklace?  To be honest I didn't buy a real one because I have tons of beaded necklaces. I just made sure the string was strong enough not to break with her pulling on it. One kept her amused for a few days of nursing then I needed to rotate to another.
Also, just wondering if your LO doesn't come off the breast because she has become a faster feeder and is just done?

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Re: any tips to help with a distracted 4 MO?
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2013, 21:13:39 pm »
How many feeds is she having at night?

I second the nursing necklace.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline Swannie

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Re: any tips to help with a distracted 4 MO?
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2013, 13:36:04 pm »
Thanks for your replies.  I will look for a nursing necklace. 

My LO has always been a fast feeder but I do not think she is always full when she finishes eating.  She used to take both breasts but now when I put her on the second she comes off quickly to look around and then wont go back on.  But at the bedtime feed she goes back and forth multiple times and gets upset, possibly because she feels there is not enough.  She is regularly eating twice during the night, at unpredictable times (as early as 10pm and as late as 5am).  She will take both breasts during the night feeds.

A couple of weeks ago we had four glorious days in a row of only one night feed, at a predictable time.  But then a growth spurt and the distracted days started and now I don`t know whether we are still in a growth spurt or if the night feeds are an attempt to keep my supply up.

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Re: any tips to help with a distracted 4 MO?
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2013, 19:16:37 pm »
Supply is naturally lower (but milk more fatty) at the end of the day, so it could be her way of trying to give your supply a bit of a boost and to get as much milk as possible.  The 4m GS is a really big one and doesn't always pass in only a couple of days.
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Re: any tips to help with a distracted 4 MO?
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2013, 15:34:32 pm »
I wore a random necklace yesterday and it worked very well to keep her focused on feeding.  She pulled so hard that my neck was being yanked around but totally worth it to get some longer feeds in. 

The bedtime feed was still a bit rough for her as she bounced back and forth between breasts several times and cried.  It is hard to end the day with tears but she manages to still go down to sleep on her own without too much fuss.

She still woke up for two nights feeds but they were more spaced out (10:30pm and 4:30am).

I have noticed the past few days she has eaten in between her usual (loose) intervals, which is new.  When I was sitting her down to relax before her nap she actually tried to latch on while I was wearing my shirt!  Clearly she was hungry so we went with it and then did a short story before the nap.

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Re: any tips to help with a distracted 4 MO?
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2013, 18:42:02 pm »
Growth spurts can be really unpredictable.  Just keep going with it.  Things will iron out eventually
*** Amanda ***

Offline eva026

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Re: any tips to help with a distracted 4 MO?
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2013, 05:28:29 am »
When DH was home he'd stand behind my shoulder and entertain DD while she nursed so she didn't get bored of using only the necklaces.
But gah, I get you, my DD was the same with nursing and it was tough but we did make it till 11.5 mo despite this.

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Re: any tips to help with a distracted 4 MO?
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2013, 15:43:30 pm »
My 3.5/4 mo is the same - just came on here looking for ideas. I'm finding it hard to know when he's genuinely full and when he's just not quite hungry enough to finish the feed.  I'm sure he's getting hungry after an hour or so as well cos he's been similarly trying to latch onto toys and things!  I thought his gs had passed but maybe there are some lingering effects.  I think I'll try the necklace too.

Sorry,  no other ideas but sympathy and support!