Although I Bfed C until 18mos I didn't successfully get going with BFing until my milk came in so was doing a lot of bottle feeds in the early days so am pretty unsure about surviving these next few days.
So little Georgia was born yesterday and is just over 24hrs old.
Positioning and latch are ok. I have some soreness and am using Lansinoh. Have v large breasts so it's hard to see but am trying to make sure she's got as large a mouthful as possible. DH is helping with this too.
So in regards to feeds I've been told to wake her every 3hrs to feed. She is v sleepy though and seems to just fall asleep on the breast v quickly. I probably need to strip her off a bit more to wake her a bit better but am stroking, talking to her and blowing on her gently to encourage her to sick. I'm just worried she is not actively sucking.
In the 24 hrs we've had 2 muconium poos but I can't really tell about wees. Is this ok?
How long should she be sucking for? Like I say she falls asleep and is doing a lot of comfort sucking. Protests when she is taken off as she's not really unlatchig as seems to like the nipple in her mouth. Could account for some of the soreness right as I'm assuming she's slipping a bit??? Any tips?! When can you use a dummy? C never took one so don't know about this at all.
Should she be suckling at each breast for each feed ? Sometimes she is so sleepy I can't get her to the other. Do I need to be waking her more fully?
I'm just worried about her being so sleepy as I know this can be a slippery slope. Just beginning to doubt myself a little...
Thank you so much