Well I needn't have worried about waking her every 3hrs as last night she woke to feed and/or pooed so we had to change her and this prompted a feed every two hours.

still in a bizarre way I'm pleased that she is demanding the breast more herself rather than feeling like I'm constantly shoving it in!
Boobs are still uncomfortable but better. Dolly Parton has nothing on me right now! Breastfeeding support worker telephoned this am and said not to worry about length of feeds when I have this much milk as she'll not be having to work hard to fill her tiny tummy. Forgot to ask about waking to feed

but tomorrow is Day 5 when little G will be weighed so I guess that will be an indicator of how things are going!
Nini I'm not thinking that far ahead about supply yet but will probably want to introduce a bottle at some point.

Thanks ladies!