Have you thought about just nursing for a few days without bottles? This definitely sounds like a but of a nursing strike in combination with other factors. But if he is struggling with nursing, the more bottles he gets, the more likely he is to refuse nursing because a bottle is less work.
I know how frustrating it is when baby just refuses to eat. We have dealt with nursing strikes on and off with my 7 month old since around 3 months. Accept that he won't take a bottle, so I have no choice! Also, the only way to get your supply up is to nurse, nurse, nurse.
2-3 NW is totally normal at this age, and it is normal for sleep to get worse after the sleepy newborn stage. Don't doubt yourself, you are doing great! Babies are just giant mysteries! it sounds like for whatever reason, he is more relaxed at night and able to eat, which often is the case during a nursing strike.
I know it's rare for a 2 month old, but did dr check his ears?