Hello! I'm having a rough time figuring out what to do with my DS (13.5 months) for naps, so I thought I'd join you guys here.
DS was doing great with two naps, but around 11 months we started having trouble and he started refusing his morning nap. (Thankfully, his night sleep is still good.) About a month ago, I asked for help on the boards and we decided that he was transitioning to one nap. Since then, I've had some great days and some terrible ones. Sometimes he'll take two naps, but generally he doesn't. On a good day, it might be something like this:
WU 6:30
S 12:30 - 3 (put him down, walk away, he fusses for a few min. and goes to sleep)
S 8:30
On a bad day, it might be something like this:
WU 7
S 4:15-5 (wake up from nap crying, then try to sleep when nursed)
S 7
WU 9:15 pm but easily soothed back to sleep
The latter was how today went. The strange thing is that LO often seems tired early in the day. When we go out before his 1st nap, he tends to fall asleep in the car (regardless of what time it is - he's done it as early as 10 am).
Today, I started offering naps around 10 am (he was rubbing his eyes and seemed tired). Offered again after lunch at around 12:15, 1:30, 2:30, 3:15. When I even brought him into his darkened room he started wailing. To finally get him to sleep, I resorted to holding him until he stopped crying and then putting him down, and he fell asleep almost instantly. Poor kid seemed exhausted - I don't think that method would have gotten him to sleep earlier, he was just so tired by 4:15 that he zonked out as soon as he stopped crying. I seem to have a really hard time identifying when LO wants to sleep - he's basically stopped giving reliable sleep cues.
I haven't been recording things lately. I'm going to start logging his sleep like crazy again and posting here. Hopefully I can get him back on track!