Sorry to hear about all the illnesses, firstmum. Sounds like you might be really sleep deprived... I hope you've been able to find and steal times to rest.
What happens around 1am and what do you do? Have you already tried a dream medication?
I think weaning the morning bf and getting to a 11:30/12:00 nap is a good idea. FWIW, when I weaned off bf or milk at certain times, I offered a snack as a distraction at first. Or an activity. Whatever works best initially. Also, when I was trying to drop the CN in the morning and/or extend A, I had to offer a hearty snack and keep DS doing a physical activity around the 9:00/10:00 hours or fatigue would set in. We were fortunate enough to have a park only 10 min walking distance away, so I would always take him there around that time. Depends on the days, but now he can handle the long A's in the morning pretty well.
Regarding independent sleep... We've also been handling illness, molars, SA, and physical/mental developments here for the past few months and I did what you're thinking... to put concerns aside and help DS get through this. After almost 3 months, DS was able to go back to going down at BT giggling (

) and self-settling throughout most of the night (besides times when I knew he was in discomfort). During the 3 months, I did a lot of things you're supposed to avoid for independent sleep. Most people on this forum would probably say that once they become ind sleepers, they can return fairly easily, so I was hopeful. I didn't know how long it would take before things would get better, but certain times were more conducive to applying gently sleep training (ie when he finally mastered walking, or after a tooth popped), so I would use gradual withdrawal techniques and such. We went back and forth and even last night, we were back to DS being held and sleeping on DH in the middle of the night.
So FWIW, that's what we did and what happened. Our LOs are 2 weeks apart, and close to Ladymugg's LO, so we're probably in similar phases. Molars being a big one and then the language/mental leap in a few months.
IMO, because your LO is going through so much right now, you can do whatever it takes to get the maximum amount of sleep for everyone, then as things drop off... implement strategies to encourage ind sleep.
What do you think?