Author Topic: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6  (Read 72946 times)

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #285 on: August 23, 2015, 02:22:34 am »
Hi Jazelle, how old is your LO?

My experience was the transition seemed to settle once I completely dropped down to 1 nap.  At the time I didn't recognise what was going on with the naps shortening and struggling to get her down, we had illness and teeth so took me a while to figure it out.  We started with nap at 11 and if she woke before 1pm I did everything I could to get her back to sleep.  Bedtime was moved to 6pm.

I think it took about 3 weeks of slowly moving everything forward and we now nap between 11:30am and 12 for between 2-2.5 hours and bedtime is between 6:15 and 6:45pm.

We are now trying to stick with a consistent bedtime regardless of nap length but really trying for no earlier than 6:15pm.

We still have a morning cn on maybe 3/7 mornings.  This is no later than 9:30am and is capped at 15 minutes.  If this happens then I am flexible with her big nap time.

I hope this is helpful.

Offline lauraims

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #286 on: August 23, 2015, 04:41:13 am »
Hey firstmum:)  what age was your Lo when you just went to one nap ? Also how long was that first wake time when you started ? My dd has been sick so have abandoned the push in a times for now and have been letting her sleep for however long. But before illness she was doing 4.5 hrs first WT. Sleeping only 1.5-1.75 mins. And no way I could get her to resettle after that.
As soon as she's better Im planning on pushing again. And hoping the nap lengthens. How long did it take until you could stop resettling? 3 weeks ? My dd will be 13 months in a week.
We were doing short am long pm. But that's stopped working again and she won't settle for either nap until close to 3.5/4hrs of WT 😒

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #287 on: August 23, 2015, 06:46:09 am »
Hey Lauraims, my LO was 14 months. Now 15.5.  I think she may have been trying to drop down to 1 nap from about 13.5 months but as she had a cold and molars moving I was placing the blame on short naps and difficulty in settling down to that.  I got advice from one of the ladies here who suggested I try 1 nap and as her sleeps at daycare were shocking I figured we would give it a go.

To begin with it was all a bit of a mess, we were have ew from about 5:30-6:15 so I think the first couple of days there was no way I could get her to 11am as she would have been awake 5.5hours, which I was terrified of  :-[ I messed about with a cn between 8:30-9:30 for a few days and had a couple of looooong afternoons, but she was sound asleep by 6pm so we had a couple of bonuses!  In that first week she was only doing 40 minutes stretches and I'd resettle with some bum rubbing and shushing.  I spent a couple of days sitting beside the cot to anticipate her waking and push her through.  Then we had a couple of 90 min runs and two weeks down and 90 mins were stretching to 120 and 120+  I haven't had to resettle since she stretched to 90mins plus.  Sometimes for me I need to set a time in my head "if she sleeps 90 mins I'll be happy" and then I don't try and resettle.  Does that make sense?

Daycare days are messy, she wont cn in the morning so can do 5.5-6 A in the morning and because she has such poor sleeps there her afternoon A time can be about the same.  It was seeing her do this and realising that she was ok that gave me the confidence to push her A time at home as well.  My LO has always been really good with set times for naps.  I never got good tired signs so found it easier to just push to the chosen time and have only recently looked at the A time.  Most days now my aim is 11:45 but try and be flexible 15 mins either side.

Does that help?

Offline Jazelle

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #288 on: August 23, 2015, 08:00:56 am »
Thanks FIrstmum,

My Lo is 16.5 months. I will give it a go at cutting the CN all together and just go with one nap.
I was confused by the fact that with 2 naps everything was fine and since we started this transition everything went bad. Wish me luck

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #289 on: August 23, 2015, 13:54:34 pm »
Hey everyone,
Hope it goes well Jazelle, not wanting to confuse you but tbh looking at when you were trying to put her down, I wasn't surprised that she took a while to get off. Mine have both had odd days where they've struggled with the morning UT CN, however mostly it was ok. The trick is to make sure they're tired enough for the pm nap, also to keep everything really consistent so they know exactly what to expect. For example I find mine is ok most of the time going down in the pm, unless we have a picnic lunch out, and then she seems just ready to play when we get home and not sleepy .at the usual time! You might find that yours handles a big jump really well, some do,  but if not, you could always try stretching that A before the pm nap.

Eg we do:
Up 6.30
Nap 1: 9.30-9.55
Nap 2: 1-3
BT 6.45-7

Naps aren't too bad atm, depending on circumstances, but nights are still awful! I keep wondering whether it's possible that multiple NWs including during the evening could be UT rather than OT - I'd always been conditioned to believe it must be OT but now I'm not so sure?? Maybe I should push BT but we did pretty recently, it did seem to help with EWs but we still get loads of NWs so maybe she only tends to sleep a bit later because she's been up all night :P

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #290 on: August 24, 2015, 08:01:31 am »
Hi Jazelle, what prompted you to drop to 1 nap?

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #291 on: August 25, 2015, 00:10:14 am »
Hi Ladies, quick question.

My LO is 15.5 months and has been on 1 day nap for about a month now.  Awake time in the morning is becoming more and more consistent of 5-5.5 hours with a 2-2.5 hour nap and bedtime after 4.5-4.45 awake.  We are getting nw after about 7-7.5 hours and more often than not needs help to get back to sleep.  Really performs if its Dad which is leading to a tired mum.  On a good night she will resettle with reassuring words and a quick back rub (max 5 minutes), other nights I can sit beside the cot or lie on the floor and resettle every 15 ish minutes with words and rubs for up to 2 hours  ???

Would you suggest stretching her awake time in the afternoon to a similar 5 hours, could this be ut before going to bed?  This is what our day usually looks like...

A 6:30-7
B 7
S 9
L 11
Nap 11:30
S 2,3,4  ;D
D 5
BF 6:15
Asleep 6:30-6:45

I have been giving nurofen before bed as molars have been giving her grief and assumed the 7.5 hour wake up coincided with pain meds wearing off as she is generally really upset when she wakes.  I often hear her cough or give a grizzle at other times in the night but she self settles back to sleep after this (if she wakes at all??).

nw usually only crop up when unwell or teething and the poor bubba has had illness after illness for almost 3 months.


Offline lauraims

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #292 on: August 26, 2015, 01:31:20 am »
Thanks for that first mum. That really helps! Day two of pushing a times. I put her down at 4.5 hours waketime and she self settles within 10 mins. Yesterday she woke at the 1 hr Mark but managed to get her to resettle for another 35mins. Early bt. Because of the early Bt wake up is around 5.45!!! So today there's no way she cAn only have one nap. Don't know what to do on these days ? I want to keep morning nap consistant after 4.5hrs Wt in hopes that her body will get used to it and the nap will lengthen. But today that only took us to 11.45!!
She's been sleeping way better at night since stretching a's. Makes me think all her night wakings on two naps were due to UT!
Hope someone can help you with your query 😊

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #293 on: August 27, 2015, 11:32:44 am »
Lauraims are you getting pm nap refusal?  If you get an EW and pm nap refusal is an issue I think you need to try a different tactic for those days otherwise you will perpetuate a long OT cycle by having nap too early and a long A to bed.  I used to go for a catnap around 9.30am of 15-20 mins then put down again for second nap around 2-2.5h later.  Then try again the next day.  The 2-1 I found was one time where we couldn't be totally consistent every day as some times LO just couldn't make it. 

First mum those sound like teeth wakings to me :(  Have you tried a dream meds?

Offline lauraims

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #294 on: August 27, 2015, 18:16:29 pm »
Hey luv. Not everyday do we have pm nap refusals but she'll only take one If its at the 4hr+ Mark. What sort of length catnap should I let her have in the arvo if she does a 1.5 first nap do you think ? Short am long pm was working for about 3 weeks while she was sick. 1hr am, 1.5-2hr pm. But I'm wondering if that's why her nights were bad, too much day sleep. She'd be up every hour from
About 3am!!
Last night was good. Bed at 6.45, woke at 5..took me an hour to resettle her though !!
Argh it's just so tricky 😌 i would like to hang onto two naps for a while longer as I thinks he needs it. Just don't know how many more of the horrible afternoons I can take trying to make her have a catnap. Is it pretty normal to have to APOP the second catnap at this stage ?

Offline trimbler

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #295 on: August 27, 2015, 19:03:47 pm »
I think quite a few do APOP the pm CN, but as you know, I really don't have a feel for long/short, sorry! I'm expecting wonky sleep now anyway as DD is settling in with the CM... So although I feel more stretching/capping coming up, we'll probably put that on hold whilst she naps badly etc. But maybe I'll be surprised? :)

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #296 on: August 27, 2015, 19:38:28 pm »

First mum those sound like teeth wakings to me :(  Have you tried a dream meds?

Is that just like a dream feed?

Offline lauraims

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #297 on: August 27, 2015, 20:38:38 pm »
Hmm I really need to work out what I want to do. I know she likes a longer a to bed. But with having to APOP a catnap that doesn't really work, as it can take ages to get and then it's very late in the day.
Maybe I need to try and shorten her first nap right down to 25minutes like you're doing Trimbler. How old is your lo again ?

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #298 on: August 27, 2015, 21:21:32 pm »
She's 14mo :) I do like short/long because if they do go down for the first UT nap (less likely as they get older) then you know they're at least going to get their two naps because they can't get through the day on 20mins, or whatever you're capping at ;) Also if you know she likes a long A to bed then short/long can give you that if they take a nice long pm nap... But as we all know, that's a big 'IF' :P

Offline lauraims

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #299 on: August 27, 2015, 23:29:33 pm »
Well, that didn't go to plan !! Put her down at the 3hour mark and she's currently still awake at the 4.5 hour mark !!! Playing around! Got her up after30 mins and put her back in at 4 hours. Argh!!!