HELP!!!!! I am truly at my wits end
. We have been struggling with EW since March. I think we have tried allsorts of different routines, I was sick of trying to work out schedules, A times, BT blah blah, so thought I would try set clock times. I have been consistent and in my head it couldn't fail
. Well we are definitely getting better naps but I keep coming back to what I have thought for a long time, we have a LSN toddler. On the odd occasion I don't doubt OT has been the reason for waking early, but watching her the last week we are always averaging 12-12.5 hours. This has been our schedule
WU 5am
Nap 11am
Nap 1hr 30
BT 6.15
WU 5.15
Nap 11am-2hrs
BT 6.20
WU 4.20!!!!!
Nap 11am - 1hr 20
BT 6.20
WU 5.30 yay!!!
Nap 11am -2 hours
BT 6.30 had every faith in this routine as this is where I would like to be, thought def would result in a good wU
I could have pushed BT out last night I guess but was trying to be consistent and worried about pushing too far.
Today 4.30!!!!!!
She is an independent sleeper, she rarely wakes in night and wakes happy in a morning. She is generally in good spirits all day, goes to bed like a dream, but everything is so damn early. My idea was if I could get the above routine to work I would gradually push out. I truly could have cried this morning when I saw how early it was, and worse still I will have to admit hubby was right
. So I guess I need help in getting our routine moved up, especially with the clocks going back soon.
I mean even if I am wrong about her sleep needs and she does need a little more on occasion then great but on the 10 hours nights we have got to be looking at a better start than 4.30! I can handle 5.30 but 4.30 I just too much, im already in bed early.
Please help I feel like I am going insane. FWIW my other daughter only ever did 10hrs too, u would think id learnt, but Eva was always so much better at sleeping than Maya ever was as a baby then it all changed.