Author Topic: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6  (Read 72951 times)

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Offline MayaandEvasmommy

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #375 on: October 14, 2015, 19:30:23 pm »
Well after the 1hr nap at 12pm, she was falling asleep on grandads lap, so I let her have an afternoon nap at 3.15, she slept for 45 mins but only because the dog woke her.  I wasn't sure what to do about BT so I pushed til 7pm, she still went down a dream.  We shall see what tomorrow brings x

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #376 on: October 14, 2015, 19:44:01 pm »
Hugs - keep us posted :-*

Offline First mum

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #377 on: October 14, 2015, 22:53:33 pm »
Fingers and toes crossed its enough to break the cycle and start fresh xx

Offline lauraims

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #378 on: October 15, 2015, 05:02:13 am »
Haha First Mum I always hope that !! Hope all's going well M&E'sMummy, 💗

So yesterday she fell asleep at 3.10 wt after a 20min nap and slept 2.15hrs without waking once. BT at 6.30. And woke at 5.30am again. Maybe even more like 5.15! 😮

Today was another bad day. 20 min am, 3hr second WT but only a 1.20hr nap and almost went back to sleep. But didn't.
BT just now at 6 (ekk) hope not another early Wu. But wouldn't surprise me if she wakes up through the night cause she's OT again. 😣
When do I know to cut out the mn? When the an often doesn't work ?

Offline lauraims

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #379 on: October 15, 2015, 05:48:13 am »
Oh gosh no she's only just gone to sleep now.
Nearly 12 hours of Total wake time and just 1.40hrs of sleep. I feel it's going to be a horrific night 😩😩
She couldn't even settle herself she was that OT. I'm thinking I'm going to just go cold turkey to one nap. I'm so over the wake times I just want to set an appropriate nap time and get on with things!
It really gets to me trying to figure it all out. 😟😟
If she's up at 5.30 every morning. How do you do 1 nap! At 10.30!! Then such a long stretch until bed. Arghhhh just a tad over things today

Offline MayaandEvasmommy

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #380 on: October 15, 2015, 12:53:34 pm »
Well todays wake up was 5.18! so better than 4.20.  Today we go to a music and dance group so had to be out the house at 9am, she napped on the way there so had around 10 mins.  I then put her down for a nap at 11.30, she went off at 11.40 and woke at 12.50.  I still think she is LSN but surely this is still on the low side? totalling just under 12 hours overall sleep . Not sure what to do about BT this evening, scared to go earlier incase we get another 10hr night but also scared to do later incase OT.  Any thoughts? Gosh I feel so out of control I hate it!!!!  :-\

Offline First mum

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #381 on: October 15, 2015, 19:13:02 pm »
tbh Lauraims I didn't think I would ever get to a set 11:30 nap with my lo especially with the run of 5:15 wu we were getting at the time, but she did surprise me.  I think it took just over a week and I realised she could do it so stopped clock watching.

I think the first couple of days we had like a 10:45 nap and then I did everything I could to get her to sleep for 2 hours (I spent a lot of time in her room). Then I got her to 11, then 11:10 and finally 11:30.  My ideal is 1.5 hours sleep but 2 is ideal.  I had to have activities planned most days, just around the house, lots outside and also we had 15 minutes of quiet time watching a penguin cartoon.

And then I did a 5:30-6 bedtime.  As the nap got more consistent at 11:30 I started shifting bedtime back to 6:30 is small increments.

Maybe just try 1 day and keep you lo really busy and see if you can get to 11-11:30

Offline trimbler

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #382 on: October 15, 2015, 19:23:53 pm »
M&E I'm not really sure what to suggest with lsn, but I just see that yesterday you ended up with two naps which seemed to help stretch the day and get you a better WU than you had yesterday - do you think this could work again to push her day later? I'm just thinking that if she does have lsn overall, she might possibly still struggle with the long A times that would mean on one nap, but if she has two (one of which short, if she'll take it), then she can still get a high wt overall without having to do the long A times, iyswim? Ignore me if I'm not making sense ;)

Offline lauraims

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #383 on: October 15, 2015, 20:23:24 pm »
Thanks First Mum 😊 the first week, was she OT waking throughout her nap ? Did she resettle easy ?
I'm going to try get her caught up over the weekend with some APOPing to make sure the second nap is 2 hours. God knows why her days have become inconsistent. I feel she could handle one nap. But only if it was 2-3 hours. So fingers crossed!!!! Monday is a new chapter! 😁😁
Heaps of baby's her age in her play group are on one nap already. !

Offline First mum

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #384 on: October 15, 2015, 23:31:48 pm »
I think the first couple of naps she was waking at the 45 minute mark and if I got to her quickly she was easy to resettle, I think I may have done this twice to get a total of a 2 hours nap.  Then she stretched to an hour straight, so for a couple of days I sat by the cot at the hour mark and just gently rubbed her bum/back when she stirred.  She kept stretching it longer.  Bit more difficult to resettle when she had done 90 mintues straight but I did manage a couple of times.  Then 2 hours became the norm. 

Unfortunately I think I have a bit of ot setting in from short nights and ew, which are causing her to shorten her nap back to 1h15-1h30.  So am tossing up doing an ebt tonight to try an catch up?!?

Yesterday she only did 1h15 but when I picked her up she snuggled in and did another 45 on me in the chair so I did a normal 6:45 bt.  nw at 2, 3 and 5:15 when I brought her into bed with me and after an hour of fidgeting she went back to sleep to 6:45.  She gave me a right performance at lunch nap today, I lost it, she lost it and the whole thing was pretty yuck.  Not sure what that means for bt tonight???

Offline awinkza

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #385 on: October 16, 2015, 05:46:00 am »
Well, I'm back and I need some help.  We tried a day with a short morning catnap of 15 minutes and then an afternoon nap a couple hours after that and she actually slept both times, but the afternoon nap was only 45 minutes.  I tried to do it again the next day but she was up there for 45 minutes for the morning catnap and didn't sleep so it ended up being a late afternoon nap by the time I got her back up, fed her and got her down again. That day she slept for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Then today I decided to just stick with the one nap, but it took her 40 minutes to get to sleep and she only slept for an hour and 10 minutes.  She was napping so well before and is very good at getting herself off to sleep, so now I am wondering if she just needs less sleep or if we are dealing with OT? We have been trying to keep to the 6:30 p.m. bedtime but tonight it was more like 6:45 and the night before I think it was about 7 p.m. (Obviously I need to keep better track!)  She has continued to wake 2x a night and has woken up crying in the morning, earlier than usual although not at horrible times (i.e. 6:20 a.m., 6:40 a.m.) although this morning was more like it used to be (about 7 a.m. and relatively content).  She used to consistently wake up and be happy in her bed for quite a while around 7 or 7:15 a.m.  I had gotten into the habit of nursing her at night when she awoke but then I tried the advice given here about just giving water at night and that seemed to work (she only woke that one time) but the next night she woke earlier (around 9 p.m.) and really seemed hungry and so I gave in and fed her, and she actively ate for 20 minutes. Then last night I thought I would "stay strong" and not nurse her and after crying her heart out I was able to get her to lay down, she tried to get back to sleep for 30 minutes but eventually cried out again and I decided she must really be hungry so I nursed her. Then she woke up again 2.5 hours later at which point I knew she couldn't be that hungry already so I offered the water and was able to quickly settle her down and she went back to sleep.  I have been prepping her all day today, telling her there wouldn't be milk during the night, so I feel more confident that she had opportunity to eat enough :)  Tonight I am planning to only offer the water especially since I really think that when I do nurse her, it causes more wake ups.  Any pointers or advice about this would be appreciated.

Also, should I be trying to lengthen her naps somehow right now or do you think they will naturally lengthen?  I have decided I need to stick to the one nap for more than a week and then make a change if things are still not working well.  I was also wondering if I might be still dealing with OT?  She is a lot better than she was when I first posted this thread, but I feel like something is off.  Help!

Offline First mum

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #386 on: October 16, 2015, 06:46:58 am »
Hi Awinkza with the morning cn are you able to apop it so that you know she is going to go to sleep.  I did it in the car everyday that I wanted my lo to have it as the cot and pram wouldn't work.  It took my lo about 2 weeks to really lengthen her midday nap so the ebt and cn were more about helping her stay on top of her sleep needs.

What did you day look like on the day you tried the cn?

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #387 on: October 16, 2015, 13:31:18 pm »
Hi ladies, dd is almost 11 months so not quite a toddler yet, but the baby 2-1 thread seems very quiet so thought it might be better to join in here if you don't mind?

I think we're in 2-1 territory, dd has always been a long AM short PM napper but has been refusing her PM nap (it clashes with school run time) and wakeup time has been getting earlier. I've tried pushing her AM nap later so we could just stick with the one nap but OT was setting in & her nap shortened & wakeup got even earlier. I've decided to chop AM nap to try & force a longer pm nap so today did
Up 6am
Nap 9.30-10.15 (I woke her)
Nap 2.30** - 3.15 (i have to wake her for school run)

**I attempted pm nap at 1.30pm (first signs of tiredness) but refused. Attempted again at 2pm & finally asleep at 2.30 so 4hrs 15 A time after a 45min nap. Does this sound right?

 I will have to wake her after just 45 mins for the school run so she's only had 1.5hrs total naps today where usually if I let her nap in the morning its 2-2.5hrs.  I hate waking her from naps too so if I go down this route I only want to have to wake her from one. Does the am nap need to be shorter? How short? In an ideal world it would be good for her to have a quick am catnap then a long nap 1-3pm but not so sure how achievable that is?

Offline MayaandEvasmommy

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #388 on: October 16, 2015, 14:00:44 pm »
Went with 6.30 last night and got a 5am wU :(.  Thought I would try a short am nap 15 mins and hope for a longer pm like yesterday.  She fell asleep at 9.40 and I woke her at 15 mins, she was in a really deep sleep and really struggled to wake her, attempted to put her down at 12pm , but she didn't go off until 12.45 and only slept for 45 mins :(, so totally back fired on me.  AARRRGHGH!!!

Offline awinkza

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #389 on: October 16, 2015, 18:21:19 pm »
First Mum - thanks for your reply and questions.  Unfortunately (or fortunately?) she doesn't/won't sleep in the car anymore so an apop car nap is out  :(  There have been times I really wished that would still work!  On the day we did the morning cn she had woken at 6:20 a.m. and I can't remember what time I got her into her bed, but she was asleep at 10:40 and I woke her at 11 a.m. I was thinking it was only a 15 minute cn but I see in my little note that it was 20 mins. Then I had her back in bed about 1:25 p.m. and she slept from 1:45 p.m. to 2:23 p.m.  :-\  I had a hard time getting everything done in time for dinner etc. and got her in her room to nurse at 6:43 p.m. and she bascially fell asleep nursing at about 6:50 p.m. and finished nursing at about 7:08 p.m. at which point she stopped and I got her to her bed and she went back to sleep.  I had been planning to get her into her bed earlier than that for the cn but I am confused which is better, a set cn time or a set amount of time based off of wake up time? (i.e., 3.5 or 4 hours after wakeup?)

Last night I got her to bed about 6:45 p.m. but we had a rough night since I wasn't allowing the nursing.  She woke up around 11:45 p.m. and I was in and out three times to give her water until she finally was able to get back to sleep around 1 a.m.  Before that she was trying to go back to sleep but was pretty much awake that whole time. Then she woke again around 5:40 a.m. and cried out a few times then settled down but I am not sure when or if she actually fell back to sleep. I think so, as she was awake again around 7 a,m. and seemed content, talking and playing in her bed. I thought I would try to put her down for a cn around 10:30 am. and do a bit later afternoon nap, but we had Kindermusik this morning that ended at 10:15 so by the time we got home and got a snack, it was pretty late so I am just going to let her sleep it out and see what happend. She was staring the tired stare in the car on the way home.