Well, I'm back and I need some help. We tried a day with a short morning catnap of 15 minutes and then an afternoon nap a couple hours after that and she actually slept both times, but the afternoon nap was only 45 minutes. I tried to do it again the next day but she was up there for 45 minutes for the morning catnap and didn't sleep so it ended up being a late afternoon nap by the time I got her back up, fed her and got her down again. That day she slept for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Then today I decided to just stick with the one nap, but it took her 40 minutes to get to sleep and she only slept for an hour and 10 minutes. She was napping so well before and is very good at getting herself off to sleep, so now I am wondering if she just needs less sleep or if we are dealing with OT? We have been trying to keep to the 6:30 p.m. bedtime but tonight it was more like 6:45 and the night before I think it was about 7 p.m. (Obviously I need to keep better track!) She has continued to wake 2x a night and has woken up crying in the morning, earlier than usual although not at horrible times (i.e. 6:20 a.m., 6:40 a.m.) although this morning was more like it used to be (about 7 a.m. and relatively content). She used to consistently wake up and be happy in her bed for quite a while around 7 or 7:15 a.m. I had gotten into the habit of nursing her at night when she awoke but then I tried the advice given here about just giving water at night and that seemed to work (she only woke that one time) but the next night she woke earlier (around 9 p.m.) and really seemed hungry and so I gave in and fed her, and she actively ate for 20 minutes. Then last night I thought I would "stay strong" and not nurse her and after crying her heart out I was able to get her to lay down, she tried to get back to sleep for 30 minutes but eventually cried out again and I decided she must really be hungry so I nursed her. Then she woke up again 2.5 hours later at which point I knew she couldn't be that hungry already so I offered the water and was able to quickly settle her down and she went back to sleep. I have been prepping her all day today, telling her there wouldn't be milk during the night, so I feel more confident that she had opportunity to eat enough

Tonight I am planning to only offer the water especially since I really think that when I do nurse her, it causes more wake ups. Any pointers or advice about this would be appreciated.
Also, should I be trying to lengthen her naps somehow right now or do you think they will naturally lengthen? I have decided I need to stick to the one nap for more than a week and then make a change if things are still not working well. I was also wondering if I might be still dealing with OT? She is a lot better than she was when I first posted this thread, but I feel like something is off. Help!