so yesterday she took a 40 min nap at 3p
5:40p dinner
6p bath
6:25p bottle and it took an hour to get her settled
she was crawling all over me, talking, shrieking, laughing, crying, etc.
I put her in the crib and this continued
I'd say the sleep words and walk out, stand up silent, then cry,
walk back in PD, words, walk out,
stay for a bit sometimes, with a hand on her, or she'd grab my hands etc.
she cannot ever seem to settle herself entirely without one of us either holding her or a hand on her for the entire time she works it out.
7:25p sleep
8p UP, cranky super sleepy, standing crying.
got her down very easily
1:30a up, standing a little crying, super sleepy, easy to get back down
6:30a up, standing and talking. I scooped her up and laid down in her room on the daybaed and she CN a little.
7:15a, diaper, nurse
then today we went to yoga, lots of great activity
it ended at 10:20a, we nursed a little there and she was fussy/tired
she fell asleep hard in the car on the way home (never happens with this one!)
I attempted a transfer at home, she woke up while I was putting her down.
I tried 3 more times, nope. So i let her sleep on me - over an hour!
So we'll see how the afternoon goes.
I'm nervous there's a lot of sleeping on me. I don't want to mess this up but I know she's super needy and has growing/teeth pain right now.
Thoughts? Should I be concerned and correct anything?
thank you ladies!