Author Topic: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6  (Read 72950 times)

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #405 on: October 19, 2015, 20:18:35 pm »
Wow that's a big push! Hoping someone who's had experience with a long am nap will jump on, as I did short/long with both... Just be aware it could take a while for that nap to lengthen. Also I wanted to mention that much of the disruption might be developmental leaps, there does seemto be a lot going on! I may not have tried to push quite so far on the first day, but others may disagree, let's see... :)

Offline chauncycay

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #406 on: October 19, 2015, 22:05:49 pm »
Yes definitely a lot going on. She's had some naps at 10:15 or 10:30 start before and the walking started a couple of weeks ago, but really took off last week.  The teeth started last Wednesday.

So it's been about a week of chaos.  She's beat.
She just nursed/napped/nursed on me for the 3p
35min CN + nursing.

ok, off to see how we go with BT!
trying for a tiny bit earlier ~6:30.
Hopefully it doesn't take 2 hours like last night :(
And battery backups are in those silly (but very important) fire alarms! Ack!

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #407 on: October 20, 2015, 00:01:54 am »
 :) dh got her down for us at 6:30p. She fell asleep on the bottle though and didn't finish the last two ounces of seven... Eek.
We shall see!
At least if she does her usual wake at  the 40 min mark I've got some milk for her...

Offline MayaandEvasmommy

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #408 on: October 20, 2015, 05:41:05 am »
Back to 5.30 start this morning :(, but she did lie down in cot for around 30 mins which she normally doesn't do, cant shake the feeling she is coming down with something.  At least 5.30 is not 4.30, every cloud and all that lol x

Offline chauncycay

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #409 on: October 20, 2015, 14:38:35 pm »
Ugh, 5:30 :( definitely been there - a lot!
well our experiment went ok.

down at 6:30p after only ~10 minutes.  She passed out and never finished her milk.
Woke up at 8p, 11p and 2a (approx) and then finally at 6:30a!
She did a fuss/wiggle at 5:30 but settled herself - yea!

So I gave her ibuprofen at 2:15a.  I'm thinking some of it is the teething/growth spurt pains.
We just measured her on the wall mark today since it seemed she'd been eating a ton and yep, she's grown about an inch and a half in 3 weeks! yikes!

DH is keeping to the 11am nap today to see if that works again.  I've got a meeting at 3p so I can't nurse her so we'll see how the afternoon goes with bottles and dada...

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #410 on: October 20, 2015, 19:01:29 pm »
Ugh. Disaster. She's crazy OT :(
So the 10:55 ish nap was only 30 mins.  Super cranky.  Woke up angry.
DH had to stay in there and now he's all frustrated because she napped on him.

So, I think that's what you all mean by apop'ing a nap (accidental parenting on purpose) - is that right?  Doing something that's a prop to just get them to sleep at the right time and longer to preserve the day/schedule shift so they're not crazy OT?

Can someone clarify?  I think we're scared of that since the sleep training with PU/PD was so hard and our issue was definitely over holding from the beginning. We did the pu/pd at 6 months to course correct the over hold and remove night feeds (with a dream feed back then) and the paci.  All props gone - rough 9 days but it worked and she was a super sleeper and very happy for months.

DH is going to try to feed her this bottle in a bit and get a CN out of her to save some of the afternoon.  She can't go 12 hours with a 30 min nap :(
Disaster! Help! any tips welcome for today.

(And I know this will take a week at least which is what I'm trying to remind DH of, and probably why we should have waited to start on the weekend when i take over but she was totally dropping naps already...  :'(

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #411 on: October 21, 2015, 19:10:57 pm »
so yesterday she took a 40 min nap at 3p
5:40p dinner
6p bath
6:25p bottle and it took an hour to get her settled
she was crawling all over me, talking, shrieking, laughing, crying, etc.
I put her in the crib and this continued
I'd say the sleep words and walk out, stand up silent, then cry,
walk back in PD, words, walk out,
stay for a bit sometimes, with a hand on her, or she'd grab my hands etc.
she cannot ever seem to settle herself entirely without one of us either holding her or a hand on her for the entire time she works it out.
7:25p sleep
8p UP, cranky super sleepy, standing crying.
got her down very easily
1:30a up, standing a little crying, super sleepy, easy to get back down
6:30a up, standing and talking.  I scooped her up and laid down in her room on the daybaed and she CN a little.
7:15a, diaper, nurse
then today we went to yoga, lots of great activity
it ended at 10:20a, we nursed a little there and she was fussy/tired
she fell asleep hard in the car on the way home (never happens with this one!)
I attempted a transfer at home, she woke up while I was putting her down.
I tried 3 more times, nope.  So i let her sleep on me - over an hour!
So we'll see how the afternoon goes.

I'm nervous there's a lot of sleeping on me.  I don't want to mess this up but I know she's super needy and has growing/teeth pain right now.
Thoughts?  Should I be concerned and correct anything?
thank you ladies!

Offline trimbler

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #412 on: October 21, 2015, 19:57:44 pm »
Hey sorry to be rubbish about responding, chauncycay, it's just that I'm used to babies who struggle to manage long A times and had to go about things differently, so lacking in btdt experience. But I know loads of mums on here will know exactly what you're going through and have a pretty good idea how to tackle it, I wonder if you've thought about starting a thread of your own? Not that you can't post here, of course - in fact please let us know if you do start another thread and I'm sure some of us will pop over there to support you, but you might get more eyes on it elsewhere, what do you think? Try naps in sleep, perhaps? And copy/paste in that day above, rather than writing it all out again ;) Sorry to be rubbish :-[

Offline chauncycay

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #413 on: October 21, 2015, 20:25:07 pm »
Of course!
I know we have a super spirited one here - she's so much happier than she was when she was under 6 months.  We're over major reflux.  Everything pales in comparison! :)

I'll copy and post to the naps board - thanks for the good re-route!

Offline MayaandEvasmommy

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #414 on: October 24, 2015, 16:47:46 pm »
Hi, still battling EW's, we are getting more consistent 5.15-5.30 timings and naps are much better although we have reverted to naps in pushchair :(.  I have experimented with later BT, earlier BT but still doesn't seem to make much difference.  She is having on average 2hrs to 2.5 hours and Bt is falling around 7-7.30 depending on WU.  Yesterday and today she has resisted her nap at 9ish so may be able to push her A time a little more now she has caught up on sleep.  I guess even though we are still having EW she is getting more overall sleep, 10 hours just seems to be her thing at night.  Lucky me has to get up in the morning with her so with the clocks going back a lovely start for me :(, however next week I am off for a spa weekend so 2 nights of sleep catching up lol x

Half term next week, so may tweak a little as we have no school runs to do, so may just watch out for cues and see what happens.


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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #415 on: October 26, 2015, 19:45:21 pm »
Just back for a quick update. We made it through one week on one set nap but it didn't seem to be extending at all and I felt like we were still battling OT, so on Sunday, on a whim because she seemed extra tired, I put her down for a short a.m. nap at 10 a.m. for 15 minutes and she actually fell asleep pretty fast and then I had her down for a longer nap in the afternoon around 12:45 p.m. and she slept for around an hour and a half which put us way above her average for the past month! I decided to stick with the 2 naps and see how it goes and so far it seems like we may need to tweak a little but I think we are finding our groove! So excited!  Still struggling with some NW and nursing but I think if I can stay strong we will get there!  Thanks all for your help!

Offline trimbler

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #416 on: October 27, 2015, 14:26:35 pm »
Hey chauncycay, I noticed you'd started a thread but haven't been able to pop over yet, glad you're getting help there but do pop back and let us know how it's going :-*

How's it going after the clock change, M&E? Have you had your spa weekend, or is that next weekend? :)

Yay for the improvements, Awinkza :D Keep us posted...

We're just doing our clock change now, slowly! Technically half way there as of yesterday, although sleep not so great today. Things are so much better than they were though, and she does have a tooth about to cut, so I'm not complaining :P

Offline MayaandEvasmommy

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #417 on: October 30, 2015, 06:44:11 am »
Hey, we rreverted back to 2 naps which seemed to be working although still battling 5.30 WU but think that is here to stay.  Then the weekend happened :(, she refused am nap n sat and pm nap was a disaster then with the clock change she woke at 4.30! which I knew would happen as her body clock would think 5.30. Anyway we had a disastrous nap day sunday too, we had a slightly later WU Monday so pushed her 1st nap out a little later and let her sleep as long as she wanted we were out and about on monday due to half term and she fell asleep for about 30 mins in the pm, we aimed for a 7.30 BT and got a 6.30 wu !!!! Next day we did the same formula but she ended up sleeping 2.5 in day split over 2 naps so think I could have pushed BT to 8pm but we got 5.30 again, weds we did same 1.5 am nap 30 mins pm nap, BT 7.30, WU 5.30.  I think that pm nap just helps get her through to a later BT.  Yesterday was a pain s she took her good nap in am bt missed catnap, fell asleep in car on way back at 6.30 and up at 5am! I am off to spa today so hubby is now in charge so no point in worrying til I come back as he wont take any notice of what I say regards naps/BT so she will in no doubt be in a massive OT mess when I come back, but he has to deal with it over weekend so more fool him :. Enjoy your weekend, see u on her Monday in desperate need of HELP!!! lol xxx

Offline trimbler

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #418 on: October 30, 2015, 13:06:07 pm »
Yeah clock changes are a pain, aren't they! I tend to to for the slowly, slowly, shifting the whole day approach, but DH wasn't so keen this time so we've done it slightly faster (ie 15min increment every 2 days rather than every 3) - regretting it now as she's got really OT and EBT is harder with DS being more out and about doing different things over half term...but then it'll be harder next week too with me back at work, so we're just going to have to ride it out and do EBT whenever possible to get over the  OT. I've learned the hard way that whatever the situation, if she naps more than 20mins in the morning she will never take a decent pm nap, so I can't let her catch up then. Definitely teething going on too... And we're out tomorrow visiting friends so sleep will be messed up anyway, perhaps she'll crash afterwards, then again perhaps she won't :P On the plus side, despite a few short-ish NWs last night, she woke up at 6.15am this morning (our planned WU time for this stage of the shift) with a giggle :) Clearly still OT and babbling away now instead of napping - ww storm this week though so it's all happening here ::)

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #419 on: October 30, 2015, 17:39:05 pm »
Hang in there everyone, it will come right.  Just not fair for the clock change to happen at the same time! Fwiw we've always found the 'crash' approach to the clock change to be better than the gradual one but we've had to do it that way due to work. DS did take two naps as one-off this time but 2-3 days and he was totally back on track. Keep going!