Author Topic: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6  (Read 72560 times)

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Offline lauraims

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #435 on: November 15, 2015, 17:53:33 pm »
Hey Trimbler!! So she EW's most days. 5.30 usually. This morning was 5.15, but she went to bed at 6.15 due to a short nap so not a bad night!! So no she doesn't tack on. So that's my issue. When she doesn't nap 2 hours+ I need to do an EBT which then leads to an even earlier WU 😣 she won't do an early catnap. Well she would but first A would have to be 4 hours...
Could this work ?? I'm trying to figure out if doing a 15 min cN  after 4 hours, then a longer nap after ??? Not sure what A time here as she started to take ages going down for it and that's why I got rid of the CN.
She goes down sooooo easy, like she's literally asleep as I put her down after 5.45a.. But then wakes crying after 1hr25-20.. But then the odd day she'll do 2 hours. Oh this is so difficult.

We're stuck in an EBT early WU cycle... 😩😩 Also when she wakes at 5.15/5.30 am she wakes crying.

Oh yay you'll be glad when you can get rid of the cN! I find all these A time calculations so draining!!
How old is your dd now?

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #436 on: November 15, 2015, 19:52:30 pm »
Hmm to me it would sound OT but I'm not convinced about the morning CN... Could you APOP a late afternoon CN if she doesn't nap well? I wonder if you'll need to bring the nap forward to more like 5.5h A, especially if she's a bit OT? As you know, I've been able to keep the UT morning CN for quite some time, even if not everyday, so don't have btdt experience with that, but I'm sure some of the other ladies still lurking around here do? ;) So this is just me typing the first thing that comes into my head :P but if no one else chimes in you could always start a new thread on the naps board, if you want more eyes on it? Hugs for the EWs!

My DD is 17mo tomorrow :)

Offline lauraims

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #437 on: November 15, 2015, 20:32:22 pm »
Can't believe how fast time is going! Do you think you'll have another Trimbler? Hmm I could try the late cn..she needs about 5 hours A time after a longer than 1 hour nap though. If I get a little 20min ?? Nap in, that would only give us an hour to do dinner bath bed?? Hmmm

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #438 on: November 16, 2015, 06:54:13 am »
Hey ladies have been out of action for a few days or maybe a week not sure.  Am struggling a bit at the moment and was hoping for your tips or coping strategies.  I said to hubby tonight I don't think I can keep doing this, I feel like I am constantly trying to get her to sleep, get her back to sleep or keep her asleep.  What gives?!?!  I am so tired and am seeing no progress/improvement.  We haven't had a run of good nights since before 21/9.

Ug!!  Sorry that was a bit of a powerchuck all over the screen.  Am feeling very sorry for myself and need a good shake!!

We had a couple of good nights last week with sttn till 4-5 and then resettling to 6:30.  I took the bull by the horns and since Friday (4 days) have shifted her nap to 12pm and she has gone from 1h15m naps to 1h45 to 2h15 which I am really pleased about.  We have been able to move bedtime from 6:15 to 6:30-45 and will hold here for a bit.  Unfortunately the nw continues.  Last night was horrid with her waking at 11:30 and struggling to go back to sleep for nearly 2.5 hours.  I have no idea what was going on I cuddled, rubbed, teething gel, water, sleep drops, nurofen and still we had quiet periods with crying and her just lying there not sleeping, she gets really upset when I try and leave her but then that is also a bit hit an miss as I try an rub her leg or give her a cuddle and she is arching and pushing me away.  We had a bit of this a few weeks back but this came out of the blue. 

The night before was just as bad with bedtime 6:30 nw at 9, 10, 11:30, 1 and 4:15.  Felt like a zombie so broke my rule and brought her in with me and she slept till 6:30.

My lo turned 18mths on Friday so I know we a bang in the middle of regression but this has already been going on for 8 weeks.

Sorry for the total brain dump.  Just after your coping strategies.  Hubby and I usually take turns at being the positive one who encourages the other one to keep going, but tbh we are both pretty down. 

Offline ginger428

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #439 on: November 16, 2015, 20:14:50 pm »
First mum, how long has she been on one nap? Is A before bed different based on her nap lengths? Chuck, scream, shake all you need. It's been really rough for you and your DH. :/ Hugs.

We had a couple of good nights last week with sttn till 4-5 and then resettling to 6:30.  I took the bull by the horns and since Friday (4 days) have shifted her nap to 12pm and she has gone from 1h15m naps to 1h45 to 2h15 which I am really pleased about.  We have been able to move bedtime from 6:15 to 6:30-45 and will hold here for a bit. 

Yay! But it's bittersweet, isn't it, as it gets your hopes up. :/

The night before was just as bad with bedtime 6:30 nw at 9, 10, 11:30, 1 and 4:15.  Felt like a zombie so broke my rule and brought her in with me and she slept till 6:30.

Eeek. What was that about?? Understandable to bring to bed, and I've done the same.

-stretch A before bed to 5.5
-re-sleep train (this worked when there's no teething or illness)

-keep telling yourself that this phase will end
-take looong warm showers to ease tension/muscles
-neglect minor housework, eat takeout for a week, and sleep as soon as she goes down, including naps
-neglect your smart phone (if you have one) and/or computer at night time
-allow some tv time for LO so you can just sit and relax (super simple songs Was recommended to us)

Whatever works for you and your family. I thought I'd never let him watch so much tv but my sanity depended on it. I also let him play with my iphone on the floor of the bathroom while I took a long hot shower (it was also good for his nasal passages).

Keep us updated.  We've been permanently on 1 nap for a while so am not on this thread much, but will keep an eye out.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2015, 23:50:59 pm by ginger413 »

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #440 on: November 17, 2015, 05:33:40 am »
Thanks Trimbler we have been on 1 nap for 4 months now for the first 6-8 weeks we had a 15 minute cn at 9 most days and then the main nap at 11:30.  My lo has always done well with set naps so 11:30 was where we have stayed until just recently with pushing to 12pm.  The 11:30 nap was quite hard a few weeks back when the ew were creeping in and I was tempted to restart the cn but held off and with the super ew we really push to get her back to sleep.  They seemed to have settled and even with a 5am ish wu the 11:30-12 nap is fine.  Thankfully her nap at home has lengthened over the last week so prior to this her afternoon awake time was around 5.5 hours.  It is now around the 4.5-5 mark and I was holding here purely because with the nw her overall sleep I think is still too low.

I still do an ebt 2 nights a week on the days she is in care as she only sleep a max of 30 mins so on these days she is in bed asleep at 6.  This has stopped the early evening blipping which I put down to ot.

Otherwise regardless of ew or nw her main nap is now 12 and unless that is less than 1 hour her bedtime is 6:30-6:45.

Would you suggest a tweak?

Thanks for your other advise.  Will share with hubby after dinner x

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #441 on: November 17, 2015, 05:50:26 am »
Sorry thanks Ginger  ???

Offline ginger428

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #442 on: November 17, 2015, 18:39:48 pm »
Firstmum... as usual, it depends on whether or not to tweak.  Has any of her teeth popped through? Is she all well now? (I remember you guys being ill for a while).  I recall someone telling me that an hourly waking is usually related to pain. But who knows for sure. We had hourly wakes not too long ago and I medicated at BT with ibuprofen (ours last 6-8 hrs) for the next 3 nights. But like I mentioned, a couple nights it worked, then it wouldn't. ??  I know you've medicated, so not sure what else you could try.  I even did a 5:00 milk feed that we haven't had in months to help him sleep longer recently. It worked, but tried again and it didn't. =/

Regarding your 11:30 NW... our DS woke at 11:30/12:00midnight crying/screaming for a good several weeks as expected for 18mo reg.  I know your DD wasn't responding to your efforts... so perhaps leaving her be (if only fussing, not too distressed) one or two nights to see what happens? We did that for DS and eventually he self-settled more, but it did not completely stop NWs, as last night's nightmare attests.  I'm sorry this has been going on so long for you... did it overlap with illness? Ours started beg/mid 17mo and now about 6 weeks in and going.

Btw, Laura, hi again! I think it depends on your goal... if you're willing to ride the 'early wakes' for a while longer until LO is older to handle longer A before bed, then don't introduce the pm CN (assuming DD will take the apop?).  For us, this caused some night time issues.  How old is she again? If you want to shift her schedule, then push A before and/or after nap and ride the crankiness.  And OT that eventually sorted itself out for us. And stick to a new BT for a while... it took us 3-4 weeks. Have you been waiting about 5-10 mins. after she wakes at the 1.20 mark? How are things lately??

Trimbler...gosh, you went through all this recently with multiple rounds of illness. How are things now?

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #443 on: November 17, 2015, 20:37:57 pm »
Hey Ginger good to see you here again :) Oh yes, the 18mo I'm dreading it :P Seem to remember being very active on that thread with DS, perhaps we'll all end up over there in a few weeks/months and get the chat going again, if not already :P all I can say from last time is that eventually we all realised their sleep needs overall had decreased, so they didn't need the amount of sleep we thought they needed, and we managed to tweak the routines to account for that. We're still very much here, Ginger, now with three teeth finally and bug-free for the time being, making the most of it! Slightly crazy day for reasons out of our control so OT at BT but I think we're looking at being on 1 nap by Christmas, or at least the new year...

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #444 on: November 17, 2015, 22:07:38 pm »
Thanks Ginger, yeah I know there is a good reason for the disruption since the 21/9 we have had 7 teeth cut, the 4 canines and 3 molars.  The last molar is now bulging and I think was giving her grief last night.  I think with the yucky 6 weeks of these coming through another cold in the middle and now the SR am feeling a bit sorry for myself  :P

Last night was still rubbish but maybe ?? slightly better ??  She was out cold at 6pm and I heard her fussing with the occasional cry at about 8:30pm.  I heard her on and off for about 15 mins but she did self settle back to sleep.  11:30pm saw my hubby tend to her and it was a quick resettle.  My turn for 1:15 and again at 3.  Both times all I did was lie her back down run my hand from the top of her back down and I left the room.  at 1:15 she settled fine.  From 3-4 not so good and at 4 my hubby had a go and trying to help her back to sleep.  Just intermittent sleep with her crying out every 20 mins or so.  I brought her into bed with me at 5 and she slept till 6:30.

Hubby and I talked about slowing our response to her as you have suggested and to be honest we probably do respond to quickly.  Its def only a grizzle and a bit of an attention call and I am going to try and leave her longer.

Offline lauraims

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #445 on: November 17, 2015, 23:53:45 pm »
Hey Ginger. Yeah I've been waiting 30 mins. She tries to go back to sleep but just can't. So frustrating. Just had another 1hr20 nap. So yes things are the same 😣 I just don't understand why she won't sleep for 2 hours when she's obviously tired? It's been 3 weeks now and we've only had about 3/4 two hour naps. She won't APOP in the late arvo. Only early morning.

The other day we accidently kept her up for 6 hours. She woke at 50mins, cried for about 3 mins then slept another 1hr15. So pretty good. She had a good night after that too.
Do you think this means 6 hours, she will eventually get used to?

Offline lauraims

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #446 on: November 18, 2015, 00:03:29 am »
Oh my goodness she went back to sleep after 10 mins 😳😳 hopefully she stays asleep for a bit longer. She woke twice lastnight which was strange, so she ended up sleeping in until 6.45, not her usual 5.30/6, so I put her down at usual time of 11.30 do was only 4hrs45mins awake time..
If she wakes at 5.30 though, then putting her down after 4hrs45mins would be too early and end up with a long a to bed..???

Offline MayaandEvasmommy

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #447 on: November 18, 2015, 16:13:43 pm »
Hi all, no idea whats going on over here :(.  We have gone from some lovely Wu, long naps to around 10 hours at night and 30 mins nap all day  :'(.  Going to do an super EBT tonight incase we are in OT territory.  We also have had NW's , so cheesed off with the unpredictability of it all and sick of early mornings  :'(

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #448 on: November 18, 2015, 23:10:09 pm »
I feel ya M&E bug hug to you!!

How old is your lo now? Do you think its a leap?

Offline lauraims

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #449 on: November 18, 2015, 23:34:32 pm »
Yes sorry M&E and first mum. Definitely with you !! I can't wait for consistancy!!