Thanks. Basing it on wake up was the plan, but cos he always does a short night after a 2 nap day, we never seem to get close to a 6am wakeup even. Past 6.30 is unheard of! So we end up in a 2 nap / EW vicious circle until either he starts refusing his morning nap or by fluke or late night he sleeps close to 6 and then I do a one nap day and EBT. It's not helping me find an A time for one nap day which works though
That said, he's been ill over Christmas so I've reduced his A times right down and we had a few rotten nights but yesterday he seemed much less tired again. He did this yesterday and last night slept for almost 11.5 hours!
WU: 6.20 (but 1hr nw at 3)
A: 3hrs 20
S: 1hr, 9.40 - 10.40 (uncapped. Wouldn't resettle)
A: 3hrs 35 (but pd at 3hrs 20ish)
S: 30 minutes, 2.15 - 2.45 (uncapped, but I'm positive was UT cos he wouldn't resettle, just lay there babbling and was happier after this nap than he has been in days! I know 30 minutes is usually OT but I'm sure it was UT in this case. Plus I'd reduced A times yesterday by 15 minutes on the previous day and he'd slept less as a result)
A: 4 hrs 15. Would have pd earlier but he was so chilled and happy and no tired signs til close to normal bedtime I thought he could handle a longer A ok.
S: 7 - 6.20
So I think I'm going to try and slowly increase that first A while he's still getting over this cold (rather than jump up A times for a one nap day) so I have a better handle on that first A time and stop capping it for now. He rarely sleeps longer than 1hr 20 anyway! Then I'll have to have a cut off in the afternoon for a cn cos any sleep past 3 seems to affect his nights. In fact even a big nap ending at 3 was causing EWs before.
What do you think?