Ok it seems I have another v sucky baby. I know it's early days and there are constant growth spurts etc but last night Georgia would just not settle and was constantly searching for the breast for almost 5 hrs until she eventually conked out. Everything you read says it's normal and that you have to just go with the flow and accept it
http://kellymom.com/parenting/parenting-faq/fussy-evening/ And I keep telling myself it will pass but C was like this until about 4mos and being stuck in a dark room with a constantly rooting baby, falling asleep and then startling and rooting f or the breast every 10 seconds for hours really took its toll on me and for sure was a huge factor in my PND. DH has tried to settle her but she just gets frantic. I know she's not starving because she's comfort sucking. We kept trying a dummy and one time she did suck it for about 5mins and fell asleep but then woke up and after that wouldn't tolerate it being in her mouth again! C was exactly the same

I know this might not be the same as C but the thought of months of this just led me to being anxious last night as I cannot go down the PND route again. I can't.
So any ladies who are going Through or have btdt how do you survive? I know I have to change the way I feel about this but any tips/hugs would be appreciated. Do i just have her downstairs and watcj tv and just go with it or persevere in the dark bedroom Etc? I just hope this phase passes quicker than it did with C. It's seriously making me want to move to formula feeding because I just think how am I going to cope with the exhaustion of these nursing sessions, NFs and then a toddler to look after?