Has anyone dealt with something like this? My 9 week old started refusing his evening feed a few weeks ago....usually after a lot of crying and work he'd eventually take a bottle. Well, it's been getting progressively worse - he started fighting the eve and afternoon feeds, then the earlier feeds, etc. We're now to the point that EVERY feed is a struggle. I put him in the nursing position and he literally starts arching his back and pulling away crying. He's happy until we try and feed him. Both breast and bottle. Yesterday, he ate only 3 times (normally 6!) He woke his usual 2 x's at night - and fed fine - then refused his morning feed (had been 4.5 hours since last feed.)
Ive called the doctor - one said "he's just picky" and one said he must be getting colic. I've researched this and found no answers. It's not colic - he cries in the evening, but only when we try and feed him. And, From what I've researched colic doesnt START at 9 weeks!! And he's a pretty happy baby all day - unless we try and feed him. I'm getting REALLY worried and feel lost and don't know what to do!