My LO is nine months, EBF and has solids three times a day. He has only STTN once, and gone without a NF only once. I typically feed him twice a night. But the past few days it's been really hot here, and he's been feeding 3-4 times at night. My DH said it's because of the heat, and the only way he'll settle is if I nurse him. I'm also wondering at this age if it's normal to still need two night feedings. He SCREAMS if he wakes up and doesn't get one. Usually the first feeding isn't until midnight, but the past week or so it's been as early as 10pm.
Anyone had any experience with formula just as a feeding before bed? My son doesn't take a bottle well, so it'd have to be in a sippy cup, but I thought I'd ask for opinions before I give it a try.