Ds2 is almost 7.5 months And ebf. He has always been a big baby, but since his six month checkup he has gained little, if any weight. He weighs around 18.5 pounds. We had a nursing strike that lasted about a week, major distraction while nursing, and now he has a cold.
He nurses every 2-3 hours because I do a top up before nap time. He nurses for about 3-5 minutes each time, but has always been a super fast nurser. I am also having problems with let down taking forever, so he gets frustrated. But I think my milk supply is ok-not positive though.
He eats a little bit of solids-maybe 2-3 ounces of purée fruit or veg 2-3 times a day. He is still nursing around 2 times overnight, and I think he is getting most of his calories then even though sessions Are still about 5 minutes.
Should I be concerned? I don't know how to get him to eat more-he refuses a bottle.