Author Topic: 7 month old not gaining  (Read 1244 times)

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Offline amom526

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7 month old not gaining
« on: June 27, 2013, 10:24:18 am »
Ds2 is almost 7.5 months And ebf. He has always been a big baby, but since his six month checkup he has gained little, if any weight. He weighs around 18.5 pounds. We had a nursing strike that lasted about a week, major distraction while nursing, and now he has a cold.

He nurses every 2-3 hours because I do a top up before nap time. He nurses for about 3-5 minutes each time, but has always been a super fast nurser. I am also having problems with let down taking forever, so he gets frustrated. But I think my milk supply is ok-not positive though.

He eats a little bit of solids-maybe 2-3 ounces of purée fruit or veg 2-3 times a day. He is still nursing around 2 times overnight, and I think he is getting most of his calories then even though sessions Are still about 5 minutes.

Should I be concerned? I don't know how to get him to eat more-he refuses a bottle.

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Re: 7 month old not gaining
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2013, 14:46:07 pm »
Mine both slowed down with their weight gain around 6mo. I believe it is because if increased mobility from crawling, rolling, sitting etc. meaning they were burning more calories and losing someof that baby turbines. Also the solids don't have many calories but take Up space in the tummy that may otherwise be filled with milk.mas long as she isn't losing weight  and it eating then I wouldn't be worried. What do the Heath visitors or your doctor say when you get her weighed?
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: 7 month old not gaining
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2013, 18:33:07 pm »
We had a nursing strike that lasted about a week, major distraction while nursing, and now he has a cold.

This, along with any increased movement (as Ali said) would completely explain a slower increase in weight.  In all fairness, it's probably great under these circumstances that there was any increase at all in 6 weeks :)
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Re: 7 month old not gaining
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2013, 22:57:07 pm »
My LO (now three) stopped gaining weight at nine months. He just grew taller but his weight gain slowed to an absolute crawl. He didn't really start to gain until about 18 months old. I put this down in part to his increased activity. But I also think he was moving towards his more 'natural' body weight. He was a very big baby (98th percentile) and now at three is a very happy, slim boy on the 33rd percentile. He has a very slim dad so I think he was just experiencing 'catch down growth' (heard that phrase the other day and it exactly describes our situation - google it!) I now have a four month old and am witnessing same pattern of gradually dropping down percentiles with him too.

I imagine your LO would let you know if he was hungry. Maybe he is just doing something similar to my LO. If you are still worried then perhaps mention to health visitor.