My almost 10 mo old daughter has been difficult to feed since she was about 3 mos old. I was EBF but now I EP and bottle feed her BM. She was taking 30 oz/day, once upon a time. After we started purees around 7 mos, she dropped an entire bottle and then was taking 24 oz if I worked really hard at it. She used to not be able to eat with any distractions around. Now I feel like I throw everything at her to distract her from the eating. That was sort of working... until the past week or so. I'm fighting to get maybe 15 to max. 20 oz in her. The current schedule is:
630 - wake up
7 - 6 oz bottle (which she takes about 4.5 of and I put the rest in her oatmeal)
8 - breakfast (oatmeal and apple sauce)
9 - nap
11 - 6 oz bottle
1 - lunch (purred fruit)
2 - nap
4 - 6 oz bottle
530 - dinner (purred fruit and veg)
645 - 6 oz bottle
715 - BT
She doesn't hold her bottle, she has always been lying down, and I've fed her the bottle. But now she just wanted to do her super fun super fast maneuver to sit up and play. It's making us house bound as I have to wait around to try a bit later to *maybe* get another couple ounces in her.
Is this typical? Has she hit a stage that I need to be tackling differently? I'm just a bit frustrated... Thoughts?