Author Topic: newborn feeder efficient or snacker....?  (Read 1606 times)

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newborn feeder efficient or snacker....?
« on: July 01, 2013, 00:38:37 am »
Hello is it possible my newborn almost two weeks old is an efficient eater? She goes past three hours in the day I have to wake her for her feeds, she was 9pds 7 oz at birth...every diaper is heavy and we have several poops a day...but she isn't single sided feeding for 30 min like BW indicates in the book.
Is it too early to tell?
In the day I wake her for feeds do one side for almost ten mins...then burp and diaper change, try to rouse her then offer the other side most times she takes it for five mins but sometimes not...regardless she goes down awake after about 45 or so total minutes of awake time including feeding and sleeps til I wake her for the next EAS cycle again...nighttime she sometimes wakes an hour after feeding because I think she is too tired and doesn't get the other breast til then ...once she does she will go back for another 2.5 to 3 hours it too early to tell we have been on EASY since day two from the hospital. Is it better to start this early? It seems with my first we didn't start until week 6 and he STTN at 12 weeks...with my second we started from day one and he didn't STTN until month 5, is it better to wait to start EASY after both or after the first month? Does waking them every feed trigger them to be dependent on expecting a feeding at every waking?

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Re: newborn feeder efficient or snacker....?
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2013, 09:23:24 am »
If Tracy was still with us, we're sure she would've updated her BF advice based on more recent research.  LOs often don't feed for 30 minutes from one side and, at 2 weeks, it would be completely normal for her to feed from both breasts and for the time you are saying.  She knows when she's full and will stop feeding.

Unless there's a particular need to be waking her, I'd probably be inclined to leave her to sleep during for a little longer and see if she wakes herself for a feeding.  Perhaps only another 30 minutes or so, but to allow her to wake herself rather than you waking her.

As for when to start EASY, that's entirely up to you.  Every child is different and STTN is as much a developmental milestone as anything else.
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Re: newborn feeder efficient or snacker....?
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2013, 19:07:00 pm »
I agree not all babies take so long to feed. My first was feeding for 45mins to an hour for the first 6weeks I think but my second was down to 10 mins very early on.
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Re: newborn feeder efficient or snacker....?
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2013, 16:42:54 pm »
I thought my DS was quick after only feeding for 20 min in the begining, but DD blew him out of the water by only nursing for 10 min. If I tried for longer she just let it come out right when I lifted her  ::). Her pediatrician said it was ok to be short as long as she was gaining nicely and I kept in mind that she may soon need to eat for longer. Occassionally I will feed from both sides, but usually it's only from 1 side.

A snacker during the day wouldn't last 3 hours (but at the begining they don't necessarily last that long either way).

is it too early to tell we have been on EASY since day two from the hospital. Is it better to start this early? It seems with my first we didn't start until week 6 and he STTN at 12 weeks...with my second we started from day one and he didn't STTN until month 5, is it better to wait to start EASY after both or after the first month? Does waking them every feed trigger them to be dependent on expecting a feeding at every waking?

We started my DS at 4 weeks and went to 1 NF starting at 7 weeks; my DD had an experienced BW Mom, and she is still taking 2 feeds at 4.5 months  :P. I don't know if it's b/c we started training earlier with DD, though on the plus side, she became a better day napper faster than my DS. Each child is a different personality and uniqueness, so it's hard to say when an ideal time to start EASY is.