I am pumping twice daily. Once after our morning feed when I have plenty of extra, and one just before or after the dream feed. I use expressed milk in a bottle for the dream feed as I just find it easier on the nights he needs a little "persuasion". But for the last few days I've noticed a huge difference in the appearance of the milk pumped at night. Of course, I can only see it in the bright light of the fridge, but when the two bottles are next to each other, the night's pump looks quite watery. I've heard that this is because you're more tired at the end of the day, so your body isn't producing quite as much fatty milk. But I've also heard that the milk produced at night is designed specifically for night time, to give him what he needs to sleep longer stretches. So now I'm confused, because both of these make sense. But I can't get it out of my head that the milk that would make him more sleepy would be the stuff with a higher cream/fat content. If there's that much of a difference in your milk based on when it was produced, I would try and make sure that the night time pump gets used for the night time feeding, and the morning pump is what I use for my back up supply. On the other hand, if the night milk is watery because I'm tired, and isn't giving him much fatty content, I'd try and increase how much I pump in the morning, and cut out the night time pump altogether.
Not really sure what I should do. What do you guys think?