Author Topic: breastfeeding, pumping, formula  (Read 985 times)

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breastfeeding, pumping, formula
« on: July 02, 2013, 20:01:22 pm »
My son is a little over 2 weeks old and I have been breastfeeding him since day one with no problems. Even though I'm a stay at home mom with no job to go back to, I wanted to pump my breast milk and store it for when I had to leave him with the grandparents and for when we are out on the road when we leave for vacation. I cant seem to nurse and pump, seems like I only have enough to nurse and no extra to pump out. The first time I pumped it was just drops, the second time I pumped only 1 ounce. I know some people offer breast milk and formula to their babies so I thought I could give that a try as well. Any suggestions on how often I should offer it to him, or how much so he could start getting familiar with it and used to it? Any advice would be great. Thanks!

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Re: breastfeeding, pumping, formula
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2013, 20:36:17 pm »
It's early days so your baby is still establishing your supply. Any formula you introduce now will impact that supply as your body will get the message that the ounces of formula your baby is drinking is not required so you may wish to wait a few weeks for your supply get established.
Have you seen our FAQ on mixed feeding? A bottle (or more!) a day…  Mixed breast and bottle feeding
We also have a FAQ on starting a bottle with a EBF baby. Breastfed babies and bottles

When are you attempting to pump at the moment? Many people find right after the morning feed is the best time to get the most milk. But 1-2oz is a normal amount, few people can pump a full feed especially at this age.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: breastfeeding, pumping, formula
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2013, 21:03:24 pm »
As Ali said, 1-2oz is really normal and a lot for some people.  If you pick a regular time to pump you will most likely find that your output increases the more times you pump then.
*** Amanda ***