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Breastfed baby won't take a bottle
« on: July 03, 2013, 22:30:41 pm »
I have a 10 week old son & have been almost exclusively breastfeeding. I'm on maternity leave until August. When he was 2 weeks old his pediatrician said we could start bottle feeding expressed milk because he was breastfeeding so well & gaining weight. LO did great switching back and forth. We started having my husband feed him a bottle at bedtime. Then I guess a week after this LO started being awake for longer amounts of time & became fussy at dinner time. So I just starting breastfeeding him exclusively & we didn't use the bottle with him again until he was 5 weeks old; we went out for dinner & my MIL was able to get him to take the bottle, but with some difficulty. A couple weeks later I started leaving him with different family members throughout the week in the mornings while I went to the gym. He ate small amounts of milk with the first 2 people he stayed with. And after that he absolutely would not take the bottle anymore. I start work in the first week of August & am really becoming stressed that LO won't eat while I'm at work & will not be a happy baby for whoever he is staying with.

What we have tried:
- We started with the Avent bottle, which he had no problem with up until he started refusing them. Since then we have tried Playtex Vent Aire, Playtex Drop-Ins, NUK, Breastflow, Medela nipples that came with the breast pump, Parent Choice, Gerber newborn latex nipple, Dr. Brown. Now we are trying Tommee Tippee.
- He has never liked or wanted a pacifier.
- Have tried feeding him with me, with me out of the house, with my husband, my mom & his mom, my sister in law, my aunt, my husband's grandma.
- Have tried with him sitting up, lying in the cradle position, lying on his back, facing forward on a lap, switching the bottle during breastfeeding, outside, in the living room, in his room.
- We tried an afternoon of no breastfeeding & just the bottle. He screamed when the bottle was put to his mouth.
- Now I am trying just offering the bottle during morning feedings when he is calm - placing the bottle to his lips while breastfeeding. Sometimes he's ok with it there and gnaws on it. Other times he starts fussing. When I put the bottle in his mouth while he's dozing off he keeps it in his mouth but that's it. One time he sucked for a few seconds while he was dozing off then spit out the bottle. I've tried putting the bottle in his mouth while he's been asleep.
- I'll still keep trying the current method we're trying, but if it still doesn't work I am considering buying more bottles & nipples off of Amazon to see if he likes those. Otherwise, will we have to resort to using a cup or medicine dropper since I'll be going back to work for 5 days a week for 8 hour+ days?

I am happy breastfeeding has gone so well & enjoyable with us. But now I'm pretty sad he won't eat while I'm away. Does anybody have any advice?? Thank you so much!

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Re: Breastfed baby won't take a bottle
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2013, 09:32:12 am »
Welcome to BW!

He ate small amounts of milk with the first 2 people he stayed with

How much would this small amount be?  Are we talking 2-3oz or just a couple of sips?

Looking at your post, it seems like you've been trying to get him to take bottles again for about the last 3 weeks.  It strikes me that you've tried a lot of different bottles/teats and positions.  How long are you sticking with each before switching to something else?  If it were me, I would stick with one type of bottle/teat for a week or two before deciding to try out something else otherwise I fear he will start getting used to something and then you introduce something new on him which could be confusing and set back any small amount of progress that has been made and you're spending a LOT on different bottles etc.

Strangely enough, some mums find that giving a short BF to take the edge of LO's hunger and then offering the bottle when they're not so hungry is effective.  Might be worth considering.
*** Amanda ***

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Re: Breastfed baby won't take a bottle
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2013, 18:24:47 pm »
I agree with everything Amanda says.

There is also a lot if info in this FAQ Breastfed babies and bottles
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Breastfed baby won't take a bottle
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2013, 16:28:31 pm »
I started a bottle with my DD at 7 weeks (once at 5 weeks to see that she could take it) and she was only taking about 2-3 oz, it took time for her to eat even that amount and only with a diaper change in the middle. I was nervous about that since right after that she started at the sitter for 8 + hours a day. But she did ok at the babysitter and gradually her intake increased.

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Re: Breastfed baby won't take a bottle
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2013, 15:33:00 pm »
My son stopped taking the bottle at around 10 weeks and in the end we stuck with one bottle type and just offered it before every feed.  If he didn't want it we'd take it back out again, wait 5 minutes and then bf.  He started off crying as soon as we offered it and then over the course of a couple of weeks started playing with the teat in his mouth,  then taking a few sips,  then taking a bottle once a day at a random time and then taking one as long as he was hungry but not at bedtime.  Now he has a bottle before bed every day. Keep at it,  yyou'll get there but you have to be consistent :)

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Re: Breastfed baby won't take a bottle
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2013, 20:54:13 pm »
I did exactly as lovelylily said with my dd1 -- consistency and persistence is the key here.  :)