Hi there! My daughter is 17weeks old today and has been on EASY since birth. She was bf mostly until we introduced a bottle at the dream feed at 2weeks (she gradually took less and less-another story!). Three weeks ago i stopped bf as she wouldn't accept a bottle or allow combination feeding. So considering her issues with bottles she did really well from day one and we were pretty much hitting 30oz a day (bottles averaging 5oz ish). BUT!
As she is now 4months we have switched her to 4hour EASY for the last few days. i was thinking that waiting longer for a feed would make her take more per feed (as in theory she is dropping a feed....) i was wrong! She is now only taking 25oz max and therefore waking in the night (she had been going through on/off since the switch to bottles a few weeks back). She also really likes being swaddled and is getting so active she's breaking out of her swaddle and waking. We re-wrap her and she goes straight back off but even if we leave one arm out she whacks herself and wakes up (despite having lovely control in the day and sucking her fingers!). The only thing i can think of is putting her to sleep on her tummy (she does this for naps) but i know it's not reccomended

Our EASY is looking roughly like this-
E 7.00am (or earlier if she's up 6something)
S 9.00 (2hrs)
E 11.00
S1.00 (2hrs)
E 3.00
S 4.30 (45mins)
E 6.45/7.00
S 7.00
E 11.00 (dream feed - wakes up at this point and has always taken a rubbish feed-although this did improve initially when switched to bottles)
E - if she wakes 3ish it's usually due to swaddling issues, if we think she's genuinly hungry due to not eating much in the day then we give her 2/3oz so not to fill her up!
She is a really fussy feeder and will only take the bottle lying down on a cushion and even then everything has to be just so and it can be a challenge with her on and off and fussy. Wont take any at all sitting up in the traditional position which basically means im house bound too!!
Have i switched her to four hours too soon? Is there any way i can squeeze an extra feed into her day without distrupting her naps to give us another chance of getting more into her?! She's really quite happy and settled inbetween times and was gaining weight well. Any help much appreciated! Thank you