Author Topic: pumping breast milk  (Read 1045 times)

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Offline lyssie28

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pumping breast milk
« on: July 06, 2013, 22:02:52 pm »
Hi my lo has been getting breastmilk since she was born but now she is mainly bottle fed with pumped breast milk. I just have a question about whether she will be getting the same benefits as a baby who is fed on the breast.  I know shes not getting the closeness but i give her plenty hugs and hold her close.  I read about the pros of breastfeeding and it says it reduces the risk of exzema but my lo has exzema (she is 14 weels now)  and it also says it delays getting your period back but i got mine after 6 weeks of having a c section.

Is she getting the same benefits ss a baby feeding on the breast?

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Re: pumping breast milk
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2013, 19:39:04 pm »
Yes. All the benefits to her come from the ingredients of the milk and she is getting that whether she is drinking it directly from the breast or it has been expressed. So you can be confident she is getting the best start :)

The only thing to be careful of is how you store and handle it. Some of the enzymes and antibodies that provide the immunity can be damaged by freezing and reheating but the nutrition will still be there. If you pump and use it straight away that is best. Otherwise you can just be careful to never shake the milk or microwave or boil it. This link has more info.

Unfortunately breastfeeding can only reduce the odds of getting eczema and keeping your period away they cannot eradicate it completely in 100% of babies or mamas.

Do you think she has an intolerances that could be causing the eczema? Have you spoken to your dr about it? Have you checked our FAQ on intolerances? Does my LO have food intolerances?
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: pumping breast milk
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2013, 22:04:55 pm »
Great job!! It's so awesome to keep going with the breast milk for as long as you can! And as far as your period goes- i breastfed my guy the whole time and got it back at about 6 weeks PP as well!! ::)
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!