Hello all!
I have a 10.5 week old daughter with some feeding issues. First, she has acid reflux and is taking one tablet of prevacid daily to help that. I think it has helped her tremendously because she doesn't spit up anymore and doesn't seem to be in pain when she is lying down anymore. Second, my doctor has recommended that I cut out dairy. I cut that out 2 weeks ago and it seems to help. I haven't seen "a new baby" like they predicted, but I am willing to eliminate it from my diet to rule that out as a problem
My main concern is this: my daughter will nurse for about 5 minutes, then pull off. When I try to put her back on, she refuses. So, we walk around, I change her diaper, and then try again in about 10 minutes. Sometimes she will go back on for a few minutes, but a lot of times she won't. I burp her and hold her over my shoulder and she gnaws on her hands like crazy. A little while later I try to put her back on and she may take a little more. Then, she begins to get sleepy, I swaddle her, start winding down, and then she acts ravenous again. I nurse her a little bit more and then put her down for a nap. I am worried about 2 things: I don't feel like she is getting good feeds in and I feel like she is starting to associate nursing with sleeping.
Any thoughts or suggestions out there?