Hi there,
It is usual for LOs to go through patches of wanting more reassurance at BT. We have gone through LOTs of these.
Since L is an independent sleeper, we handle them with WIWO. If she is really upset, sometimes I will offer to sing one lullaby (but no more!) and/or tell her I will wait in my bedroom until she is asleep. That seems to do the trick. We went through a patch where offering to leave the door open also helped, but she hasn't asked for that recently.
I try to handle these patches by offering the minimum possible to reassure her whilst trying not to start anything that could become an annoying prop to break.
How have you been handling it at the moment when she wants you to stay?
When L was ~17-18 months and we went through a patch where she needed more reassurance we started staying with her til she was asleep, but then I think this made the NWs worse and drove both me and DH nuts at BT with having to stay with her for so long. I'm not sure if we could have done less at that age, but since then we have tried really hard not to give more than she really needs to settle her and she knows now that we won't stay with her, but will stay in our room if she wants us to.
Sorry for waffling but maybe some of that is helpful?
At the moment since her nights have shortened, and some naps, yes, I would do EBT so she doesn't get OT. If she's already OT then that could be why she is EW too.
Has she got her canines yet? Do you think that's what she's teething? They can be a complete PAIN and caused a lot of SA for us too. Have you tried giving any meds at BT to see if that helps her settle?