Hi all
I've got an epic post over on the CRC board re DD2 but Erin suggested I post separately here re: nipple shields.
Basically, we've been using the shields since A was 2 weeks old because she completely trashed my nipples. Fast forward to 14 weeks and we discover she has an 80% posterior tongue tie plus a very tight lip tie. We got them clipped, but I'm still not able to ditch the shields. We've been seeing an osteo and the lactation consultant says 'just keep trying'. Wondering if anyone else has experience with tongue tie, high palate and nipple shields?
I used them with DD1 for 6 months but it was a completely different situation. She never latched on to the breast at all, ended up FTT and having to be comp fed, which resulted in weaning at 10 months and a mummy with PND. Keen to avoid that this time!
A is gaining okay, roughly 60-120 g per week (not brilliant, but she has reflux and MFPI). I seem to have pretty epic OS, which I manage with single side feeding and occasionally block feeding if necessary.
Thanks in advance for any BTDT!