I'm sorry I meant a true 4 hour easy in regards to the eat part.
They really do need to go together - if you try to feed on a 4h schedule then you will struggle with getting decent naps. Let me try and explain - let's say LO needs 3h A time and you want them to eat on a 4h schedule, this is what would happen:
WU and E 7am
S 10am aiming for 1.5-2h sleep to be restorative
*CLASH* with eating at 11am
S 2.30/3 again aiming for 1.5-2h to be restorative
*CLASH* with E at 3pm
E and BT 7pm
If you wake LO to feed 'on schedule' you'll likely end up with a tired grumpy baby who hasn't had enough sleep or struggle with feeds being due when LO is ready to sleep and end up with a feed to sleep prop.
A more typical EASY with 3h A time (assuming LO is now on solids) would be:
WU & E 7am
Breakfast 8am
Nap 10am for 1.5-2h
E 11.30/12
Lunch 12.30/1
Sleep 2.30/3 for 1.5-2h
E 4/4.30
Dinner 5/5.30
E and BT 7/7.30pm
As you can see the times between milk feeds vary, it isn't a strict 4h EASY at this age. More like a '4h plus'

. The solids get them through the extra time between feeds. When you're just starting solids then what some mums choose to do is give a small milk top-up 20-30 mins pre-nap until LO is taking enough solids not to be hungry.
Hope that's not too much info, have just seen so many people get in a bit of a mess with feeds and routine around this age that I wanted to make sure you'd considered what might happen

. Good luck, be prepared to be a bit flexible and you'll do great! Enjoy the weaning!