My son is very inconsistent with how much he eats at every feeding, but seems to do okay with the 3-hour schedule but I think he could probably do 3 or 4 hours.
But I'm working mom (starting this week) with a 45 minute commute to work/his daycare.
He needs to wake up and eat at 6 a.m. so we can get out the door for daycare. This should be okay because he wakes up at this time anyway.
I need to leave daycare by 4:30 to avoid traffic so I want to make sure he gets a bottle b/w 3 and 3:30.
If we did a four-hour schedule, the last feeding would be at 6 which is too early IMO and if we did a 3.5, he'd be due to eat when we need to be in the car on the way home.
Here's what I'm looking at trying based on his pattern the past week or so. I'd love any opinions.
E 6 a.m. 5 oz
9:30 a.m. 3 oz (or more if he wants it, he usually doesn't and this feeding has been a struggle)
E 12 pm 4.5 oz
A (sometimes)
E 3 pm 4.5 oz
A (sometimes)
6 pm 3 oz (or more if he wants it)
S (sometimes)
Bath 8:15
E 8:30 5 oz (just worked up to 5 oz at this's sometimes a struggle for him to finish the bedtime bottle)
He's never done a dreamfeed.
(I know this adds up to less ounces a day than most 3 month olds but we've had reflux issues and he's slowly been working his way up to eating more.)