Is your LO happy with 4/5 feeds a day? Is he gaining weight, albeit gradually?
Yes, I think so. He did pull back about a month ago but I'm figuring it was some kind of nursing strike because now he is nursing is very nicely still. He went in for a weight check. I guess he did put on about a pound since his last visit, so yea, I guess he is putting on weight gradually. The ped said though he still needs to get more food in him...
wow I must say I am surprised a Dr told you that. It sounds kind of like the advice given to moms 20 years ago. If you are worried about your LOs weight surely the Dr should have told you to get more BM into LO not less.
We were on 4x feeds during the day and 2x at night at that age.
I was also a bit surprised she had told me that. My sister who FF her baby who is 1 month older than my DS, gives him a bottle about 4 times a day (every 4 hrs while awake) too. I'm glad I haven't pulled back on the nursing, right now he is still interested. We are relocating shortly so we are switching pediatricians - I'm hoping the new one knows a bit more in this area.
Mine were both on 4 day feeds and a NF at this age. I agree with others that your dr seems a little misinformed. The WHO recommend BFing on demand until 2yo and beyond.
That's exactly what my LO is doing too, except for us the NF is the DF and I don't think he's ready to go without it just yet (especially now since he has become picky with the solids and isn't eating too much during the day).
Thanks for the responses. Definitely helped me feel better!