Author Topic: What am I doing wrong in the EASY routine?  (Read 986 times)

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Offline Me2u

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What am I doing wrong in the EASY routine?
« on: July 20, 2013, 22:46:37 pm »
Hi everyone
I am a new mum with a DD of just eight weeks. I was told to read the BW book by a friend and bought and finished the book 2 weeks ago. I have been trying EASY for about a week now and am sure i am doing something wrong as I cannot seem to get in to much of a routine. Here is what I am doing, please please could the EASY experts help me?

Whenever DD wakes, I feed her (she is bottle fed with formula and EBM). We then have an activity which can last 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. I then try very hard to put her to sleep when I see her yawn. The wind down routine starts with drawing the curtains and putting on musical lullabies. I will rock her throughout until she is calm and then put her down in her crib. Trouble is she often only sleeps for maybe 15 minutes (if she sleeps at all) and then starts working herself in to a crying frenzy. Shh pat seems to make it worse so each time I pick her up, rock her till calm and put her back saying the same thing. This goes on until she won't settle at all and I let her stay awake often getting her next feed ready. The cycle is so short that I am adjusting the amount she eats depending on how much she has slept, her mood etc.

What am i doing wrong? I feel if we can get the napping sorted then the routine will follow. Please help me BWs!

Many many thanks

Offline goldmom

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Re: What am I doing wrong in the EASY routine?
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2013, 16:31:19 pm »
We then have an activity which can last 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.

Remember that A time starts as soon as your LO wakes up, so it includes the time that she's eating. Your child sounds OT (hence the very short naps), and it's possible she's not showing tired signs until it's too late, or showing them too early - my DD would yawn exactly 30 min after waking up, but it was too early for a nap. (My DS would keep going until he was ready to drop and then start shreiking right away - I thought it was normal for a baby to scream to fall asleep, until I started BW and realized he was very OT at that point).

Also, for the very young, you may need to help them stay asleep for an extra 10 min once they fall asleep to get them past the jolts. Granted, once they are screaming hysterically it's hard to calm them down. I also use the patting as a way to help sooth my DD initially, without the rocking, since it helped her stay calm and fall asleep in her crib, before any crying would start. As she's gotten older, I use less and less patting to help her fall asleep and she's just starting to be able to fall asleep for naps without any patting sometimes.

You also want to be careful with when you are feeding your LO. If she wakes significantly before 3 hours you can do an activity first before the feed, so you have more of an AEAS routine. This way you can try to prevent a snacking problem when the naps are too short.

These are just some of my initial thoughts, I'm sure there are others who can guide you further. What does your typical day look like in EAS format?

Offline jessmum46

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Re: What am I doing wrong in the EASY routine?
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2013, 08:40:56 am »
(((Hugs))), she's still so tiny.  I think those babies that have a routine at this age are the exception, not the rule.  You can start laying some good foundations but go easy on her (and yourself) and try not to set your expectations too high.  They change so much in the first few weeks that it will be a while before things really become more predictable.

I would not hesitate to use other means to get her to sleep at this point.  I know Tracy says to start as you mean to go on, but honestly I would have driven myself insane trying to get every nap in the crib.  Most of ours at this age were in arms, pram, car or bouncy seat.  gradually I started trying for the first nap of the day in the crib and did what I needed to for the rest to be able to get out, look after ME and prevent a mega-OT baby. 

Just another thought - if she is generally very unsettled do you think discomfort (colic, gas, reflux) could be an issue for her?

Offline Me2u

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Re: What am I doing wrong in the EASY routine?
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2013, 15:25:21 pm »
Hi everyone
Thanks so much for the advice. Sorry I have been away for a while but my little one got very ill shortly after my earlier post. We have returned from hospital now and are slowly getting back to normal but I am questioning everything I do now because I don't know if my DD is getting ill or just fussing because she is OT! I am going to give it another week and then start EASY again. I will post our routine hopefully next week for all your fab advice and comments.
Thanks again!

Offline jessmum46

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Re: What am I doing wrong in the EASY routine?
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2013, 15:44:52 pm »
(((Hugs))) hope she's feeling much better soon x