My LO has been sleeping through the night since 8 weeks from 6:30 – 6:30. Once she turned 8 months old she started waking during the night and she still is now. She has has several illness, general coughs and colds, swollen tonsils, chest infection, gastroenteritis, and now another cough and cold.
During this time she has steadily been going off her food up the the point that 3 weeks ago she wouldn’t eat any solids at all, now she is up to having 2 meals a day but still refuses the 3rd. So since she was not eating properly I was feeding at all NW’s.
She wakes every night between midnight and 1:00 then again between 5 and 5:30, I am worried now that maybe she doesn’t want her 3rd meal as she knows she gets fed during the night, and she certainly does know as when I go to her the first thing she does in open her mount for the bottle.
I am not sure what to do as she is not eating great during the day, but don’t know if I am making it worse?