Hi Sara, yes we've been given a syringe as her dose is 0.8ml! We had a terrible night last night. She was writhing around from 3:30 until morning basically and spilling lots, poor wee mite. Soaked gro bag and bed sheets again.
In terms of what I am eating possibly having an effect upon her, what sort of timescale are we talking? A few hours, more? I've obviously cut out dairy but yesterday I drank a lot of orange juice and had spicy fajitas at lunchtime and a sausage sandwich at teatime. She's pooed lots this morning and was a bit gassy. The GP told us to stop the infacol but her wind was coming up quite well in the NFs.
Also now that we've started the ranitidine, how am I going to know if it is dairy that is the problem if the ranitidine improves things? I don't particularly want to cut out a major food group (and one that is in everything!) if I don't need to, iykwim? I'm willing to do it if needed. The HV seems to think I should have dairy and see how things go with the medication and then cut out dairy if needs be. Does anybody have any thoughts on that? I know 2 days is not long enough to see an effect really so I'm not going to know if it is dairy now that we've started the ranitidine but then part of me thinks well I've done 2 days should I just keep going?