Author Topic: Some days 4 bottles, some days 3  (Read 1810 times)

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Some days 4 bottles, some days 3
« on: July 23, 2013, 06:48:26 am »
I think we're on the cusp of 3 bottles but if T doesn't have a big first morning bottle he can't last to only have 3...

He is a hungry boy so I'm trying to give 3 meals + snacks but his diet is limited....sometimes he has a NF.

Dyt for the next few weeks I should push for 3 bottles, or just go with him :-\ I don't mind giving sometimes 3/4 but wasn't sure if its a backwards step.

He is also teething top front teeth (like about to pop!)

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Offline Erin M

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Re: Some days 4 bottles, some days 3
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2013, 03:37:33 am »
Hey Sara, I'm replying more to bump this up than anything else, but do you get the sense that he *could* take more at those bottle feedings or is he done at that point?  I would think with all the eating issues he's had I might stick with the night feed for now, but at the same time, I also speak from only BFing experience and from a ds who was having a dream feed and a night feed at 9 months (though I had one who had given up both at that point too).  ::) Is your night feed smaller than the others?  I might concentrate on cutting it down if you can, rather than eliminating it completely at first and then eventually move towards eliminating it when you've decreased the ounces, if that makes sense.  Perhaps someone with more bottle feeding experience will be a bit more helpful...

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Re: Some days 4 bottles, some days 3
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2013, 03:53:48 am »
Hello :)

Those front teeth cause so many bottle issues for most babies that I would just follow his lead right now and alternate as needed...

Have you tried a bit of numbing gel about 5-10 mins before a feed?  This was the saving grace for us when teething was bad!  I did find it would take a couple of times before DD would trust that her bottle wasn't going to hurt her...

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: Some days 4 bottles, some days 3
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2013, 05:42:32 am »
:-* Erin and kara
I wasnt very clear sorry. I'm talking day bottles...he sometimes has an additional NF - I don't Count it as his routine though as it's not every night, and never the same amount. He always has a good feed though if he wakes and I feed him (after 11pm I just feed if he wakes)

The problem is the morning bottle. NF or no NF it varies from 4-7 oz. if only 4/5 then I tend to end up giving him 4 bottles as I am constantly worried about fluids after our constipation saga ::)  when he has 4 he tends to do 4-5 all day then 6-7 at BT.

If he has 6-7 in the morning then he has another 6-7 around lunch/1pm and 7/8 at BT.

Overall I think his intake is similar....timing with 4 bottles is just a pain!

I give the gel for a feed if he is fussy, but I haven't thought about 10 mins before...probably a better idea than right before :o

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Offline Mama_Mia

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Re: Some days 4 bottles, some days 3
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2013, 01:59:34 am »
Could you possibly wait a little longer in the morning before giving it? Maybe then he would be hungrier and take a larger amount. If your worried about constipation, I would give small amounts of water throughout the day. M suffered from constipation pretty badly and still does even with over 20 ounces of water a day.

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Re: Some days 4 bottles, some days 3
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2013, 02:51:34 am »
I could wait Mama_C thing is he seems like he wants it now YK? But then doesn't always drink it all :-\ he is only just getting the hang of a sippy now. We have straw and sippy cups but I need to press him to drink more, I often forget to give him water, where as with Z I gave it all the time!

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Offline *Kara*

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Re: Some days 4 bottles, some days 3
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2013, 03:54:12 am »
We had a rough patch around this age with the AM bottle too... I found I had the best luck if I went to her room with it before I got her up... gave it in her room in the dark before she had a chance to get interested in anything ::)  Nosey wee thing that lives here!

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Re: Some days 4 bottles, some days 3
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2013, 04:14:42 am »
I have this same thing with DS2, but he seems to do this when he is teething. Some days it bothers him and some days it doesn't. This morning he was practically begging for his morning bottle, then drank only two ozs  ::) For me, I have been using these times to drop the bottles. So one set of teeth we dropped to 3, then 2. I was actually just starting to decrease his morning bottle right now just before he started to teeth. I have to pay for all of his formula (Neocate) with no coverage so him wasting any of the bottles just killed me inside, lol. As well he has drank well from cups from a young age and seems to just drink more with meals as the bottles have decreased. So TBH if there were no constipation issues, I would say just go to 3 bottles as he seems ready for it, but with the bowel issues that seems to complicate things a little more  :-\ So really, it appears as if I am no help!!

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Re: Some days 4 bottles, some days 3
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2013, 02:54:55 am »
Nadia I can't believe you have to pay :o
I think your right, teething is causing most of our issues :-\ poor wee thing literally has the tooth hanging over the gum with bits of gum open but no tooth cut yet ??? :o :(
The only good feeds are drowsy I'm being naughty and feeding before his pm nap so I get a good one and don't need to feed then till BT.

Poops are ok for now but ill try to make sure I offer lots of water and pay it by ear for a week or so :-*

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.