Author Topic: 25m old - BT nap length the issue?  (Read 1715 times)

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Re: 25m old - BT nap length the issue?
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2013, 12:52:59 pm »
I hope today went better for you Rach?
Are you doing WIWO with S when she calls you back at BT? I definitely find if I allow Colby to engage me in conversation whilst doing WIWO it seems to prolong the settling.
Colby has been calling me back lots lately to ask for water (it's in his bed but he needs help flipping the top up), his covers to be tucked in, a hug etc. I did cut his nap back to 1.5hrs from 1-2.30pm when he had previously been sleeping until 3 and doing 2hrs. It has helped shorten the messing around but he still does it. I think it is partly habit now and a little game ::) It go bad when we moved him to a BBB a couple months ago but doesn't seem to have worn off yet. Our WU is 6.30-7 ( more often 6.45) and BT is 7.30.
I'm sure any if that helps at all but you are not alone. It does seem they are working on a mental leap round their birthdays and it messes sleep up for a while.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: 25m old - BT nap length the issue?
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2013, 21:51:18 pm »
Thanks Ali - glad not to be alone, but sorry others are having the troubles too.
Becky - I had no idea there was a 2yr regression. We definitely had the 18m one - but that was also accompanied by cutting 4 canines and a huge leap in her speech. She's had a big leap again recently so I guess that might be taking its toll too.

DH was home with her today and had to wake her much earlier from her nap to go and collect Max from a play date so she got c.1hr's sleep. She has settled for BT much easier, but I also medicated tonight as DH said she was pretty grumpy this afternoon.

I definitely try not to engage in any chat at BT. The usual pattern is that we take her up, read books then put her in the cot. She is already saying "I not go to bed, I not go to sleep yet" to which I say it's BT and to lie down. She then tells me to sit in the chair and I sit down on the understanding that she stays lying down. If she gets up, I say that I'm going then and she will lie down again. So I sit for a few mins and then go all the while she is trying to engage me in conversation, makes demands about more books etc. I generally ignore her and just repeat the "it's BT Sofia" phrase. Tonight we've been lucky and she's settled really quickly but most nights she is taking a long time to finally quieten down. Has that short nap just finally nailed it?? 1hr seems very short...

Generally she is not upset or crying when she isn't settling. She is chat chat chatting, to herself, to the toys, calling out for Max in the bedroom next door, then calling for DH and I not screaming or upset or anything. We have just left her on some nights, other nights she just persistently calls out so we go up, sometimes you hear something that makes you go and see (up to no good taking things off shelves, throwing toys out the cot etc! Little monkey!)

It could be worse, at least she's not screaming and crying, that would be horrible. It's mainly just non stop chat...
We'll persist with the 1h15-30 nap and see how we go.

Thanks all :)

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Re: 25m old - BT nap length the issue?
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2013, 22:52:55 pm »
Good luck