Author Topic: How to Stop the Dream Feed for 12 month old Twins!  (Read 1356 times)

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How to Stop the Dream Feed for 12 month old Twins!
« on: August 03, 2013, 14:25:04 pm »
My 12 month old boys are still taking the dream feed around 10-1030 pm.  I wanted to stop them at the 7-9 month mark but they both had viral asthma and were constantly sick during that time and the only time they would was when they were bottle fed, especially in the evening.  Then my son Jack wouldn't eat solids after he was better so I continued on with the bottle and fed Bill the same bottles as well because he was a night waker.  I have been trying to decrease the amount in the evening but they get up earlier if they don't have their 220 ml.  Even just dropping it 20 ml they wake early.  I have tried to just see what happens if I don't feed them but they wake around 11-1130 pm screaming. 

I desperatly regret missing the 7 month mark to stop them because Tracy's strategy to stop the dream feed doesn't seem to work in my situation.  I try and give them a bottle in the am but they don't want it.  We have breakfast at 7 am then a bottle before their nap at 9-930. 

I sucessfully stopped their night feeds by diluting their bottles with water should I try that with the dream feed? 

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Re: How to Stop the Dream Feed for 12 month old Twins!
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2013, 19:54:12 pm »
You could dilute bottles but then they are still getting a tummy full of liquid and really you need them to learn not to have that volume. I would decrease the bottles by 1oz every 3 nights so they get used to having less. By the time you get to a couple of oz just offer water if they wake.

If they are waking for that bottle I think it's more habitual than anything really. How are they eating during the day? It may be worth increasing their solids as much as possible, protein keeps you fuller for longer so try and make sure they have a good tea and then the bedtime bottle. If you know they have eaten well you know they don't need the DF so it's just convincing them!

You should find that if they do wake early once they adjust to no feed at that time that will stop. How is their day time/ nap routine?
